This paper gives an overview of workflow management systems (WfMSs) and their security requirements with focus on access mechanisms. It is a descriptive Continue reading
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Weldless Flange Connections (Mechanical Project)
This development project is a bachelor’s degree thesis work that will conclude the education program ”Development Technology” at Blekinge Institute of Technology. The development project has been done in cooperation with Faurecia Exhaust Systems AB in Torsås that constructs and Continue reading
Vibrations of Precast and Partially Pre-Stressed Floor Systems Under Moving Loads (Civil Project)
This project studies the dynamic response of a composite floor system to excitations from moving fork-lift trucks. The floor system analysed is a system of Continue reading
Market Regulation and Supervision (MBA Project)
Financial securities market regulation is subject to increasingly rapid reforms. Despite the political interest in different forms of reforms, economic analyses of the rationales for specific securities market regulation are primarily focused on specific issues such as insider trading. An overall analysis of securities markets regulation is rare. Continue reading
A Linux-based, Web-oriented operating system designed to boot quickly (Computer Project)
This project describes the design and implementation of a Linux-based, Web-oriented operating system called Continue reading
Swarm Intelligence and Stigmergy: Robotic Implementation of Foraging Behavior (Mechanical Project)
Swarm intelligence in multi-robot systems has become an important area of research within collective robotics. Researchers have gained inspiration from biological systems and proposed a variety of Continue reading
Characterization of the Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (Civil Project)
In the past decade significant advances have been made in the field of high performance concretes. The next generation of concrete, Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC), exhibits exceptional Continue reading
Customer Satisfaction Toward Truemove Customer Service (Management Project)
Problem Statement:
How are TrueMove customers satisfied with the customer service provided at TrueMove shops in Bangkok?
To evaluate “whether” and “how” TrueMove customers are satisfied or dissatisfied with the customer service provided at TrueMove shops in the Continue reading
Modelling and Control of IR/EO-Gimbal for UAV Surveillance Applications (Electronics/Robotics Project)
This study is a part of the SIREOS project at Swedish Defence Research Agency which aims at developing a sensor system consisting of infrared and video sensors and an Continue reading
Rich Intrinsic Image Decomposition of Outdoor Scenes from Multiple Views (Computer Project)
Intrinsic images aim at separating an image into its reflectance and illumination components to facilitate further analysis or manipulation. This separation is severely Continue reading
Regenerating Public Space in Residential Areas (Civil Project)
This thesis will look at effective methods to regenerate public space in residential areas. Since nowadays many physical and social problems appear in large housing estates, it is urgent to seek efficient and effective ways to Continue reading
How to Make Ambassadors Turn Their Friends Into Ambassadors (Management Project)
With the internet’s rampage, the possibilities for consumer-driven distribution of information are massive. One way to use this inter-consumer approach is to encourage existing customers, or ambassadors, to invite their Continue reading