This report summarizes findings of laboratory and construction evaluations of using residue from an atmospheric fluidized bed combustion (AFBC) process as a component in an experimental road base and Continue reading
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Internet Marketing (Management Project)
The new millennium has brought us on the brink of the I.T. Revolution. This revolution has been aided by the advent of the Internet in a big way. Internet is fast changing the way people used to do things. Naturally, the same would Continue reading
Rescue and Protection System for Underground Mine Workers based on Zigbee (Electronics Project)
This paper addresses an economical, supple, continuous monitoring system of underground mine worker’s protection and security. A module of MEMS based sensors are Continue reading
Architectural Design of a Conformative Authentication Service for Security Platforms (Computer Project)
Authentication services in security platforms often need to handle different types of systems which have various requirements regarding the authentication. These requirements can often interfere with Continue reading
Preference Based Fair Allocation of Limited Resources (Computer Project)
The fair division of scarce resources among agents is a challenging issue across a range of applications, especially when there is competition among agents. One application of Continue reading
Automated Propulsion Kit Selection for MAV: A Design Process Tool (Mechanical Project)
The emphasis of the project lies in the exploration of automatic selection of components for a propulsion kit. Specifically for this project, propulsion based on electric power and Continue reading
Comprehensive Highway Corridor Planning With Sustainability Indicators (Civil Project)
This project develops a Model Of Sustainability and Integrated Corridors (MOSAIC) to select the best program-level plans for corridors within Continue reading
Human Resource Management in Charitable Organizations (Management Project)
In recent years, the nonprofit sector has grown and charitable organizations have become more important. HRM has got a more significant role and it is no longer enough to build an organization on the perception that “doing good is Continue reading
AC Power Monitoring System (Electrical Project)
Motivated by high energy costs, people and organizations want to cut back on their energy consumption. However, the only feedback consumers typically receive is a monthly bill listing their total electricity usage (in kWh). Some companies have Continue reading
An Image-Processing oriented Optical Mark Reader (OMR) (Computer Project)
This paper describes the development of an optical mark reader that can be used for counting the examination score from the multiple-choice answer sheet. The system is developed based on Continue reading
Design of Renewable Energy Powered Solar Cool Research Centre (Mechanical Project)
Solar cooling research center is being developed on CSEM-UAE outdoor research facility in RAK/UAE. The research center is capable to test system from 1 TR cooling capacity to 10 TR cooling capacity. The source of heat is solar radiation and heat pipe type evacuated Continue reading
Laboratory and Full Boom-Based Investigation of Nozzle Setup and Restriction Effects on Flow, Pressure and Spray Pattern Distribution (Civil Project)
Pesticide application is an integral part of crop production and ground-based agricultural boom sprayers are used extensively to apply pesticides to the crop canopy or soil surface across millions of acres in the United States. Efficient application is necessary to Continue reading