This project is a preliminary study in order to build a small power plant, located beside to Gavleån River. It has been designed with the aim of cooling a district of Continue reading
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Employee Work Management using Java and SQL Server (Computer Project)
The system, which was developed now, makes this process of scheduling much easier and computerized. By this system the manager or top level designated employee Continue reading
Employee Management System in C++ (Computer Project)
Employee Management System is a distributed application, developed to maintain the details of employees working in any organization. The EMS has been prevailed to override the problems prevailing Continue reading
Ultrasound Imaging: Signal Acquisition – New Advanced Processing for Biomedical and Industrial Applications (ECE/Biomedical Project)
Use of ultrasound, namely in the biomedical diagnosis and industrial fields, pioneered in 1950s, is today particularly widespread. In the last decades, ultrasound imaging has benefited from advances in numerical technologies such as Continue reading
Analysis of Metal to Composite Adhesive Joins in Space Applications (Mechanical Project)
Within the European space program, a new upper stage engine (Vinci) for the Ariane 5 launcher is being developed, and the Volvo Aero Corporation (VAC) is contributing with Continue reading
Analysis and Design of High-Speed A/D Converters in SiGe Technology (Electronics Project)
Mixed-signal systems play a key role in modern communications and electronics. The quality of A/D and D/A conversions deeply affects what we Continue reading
Reducing Redundant Functionalities of an Application Portfolio: Case Study Swedish Municipality (Management Project)
Many government organizations consist of complex application portfolios with significant redundant functionalities and in order to run this portfolio, 80% of the IT budget is consumed by Continue reading
Library Management System Using Visual Basic and MS SQL (Computer Project)
Library management system is a project which aims in developing a computerized system to maintain all the daily work of library. This project has many features which are generally Continue reading
Walking Stick with Heart Attack Detection (ECE/EEE Project)
The ECG circuitry unit on the wrist captures abnormal heart beat signal from the patient. The micro controller on the stick runs a heart attack algorithm. Warning is given out to the Continue reading
Student Information System using PHP and MYSQL4 (Computer Project)
Student’s Information System developed using PHP4 and MYSQL4 allows administrator to insert or edit student details. The process of retrieving the information is Continue reading
Design, Analysis and Testing of a Flapping Wing Miniature Air Vehicle (Mechanical Project)
Flapping wing miniature air vehicles (MAVs) offer several advantageous performance benefits, relative to fixed-wing and rotary-wing MAVs. The goal of this thesis is to design a flapping wing MAV that achieves improved performance by focusing on the flapping mechanism and the Continue reading
Analyzing the Disruption Factors of Emerging Markets (Management Project)
A free and flexible business environment attracts international organisations to those markets that have big growth potential and high profit margins. To penetrate emerging markets is of great interest to any international organisation. The situation gets more intense if it is Continue reading