The Subversive Resilience project explores the design potential of a building integrated algae farm that mitigates CO2 and outputs biomass for valuable end-products. It examines the spatial qualities that emerge from Continue reading
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Gender Inequality in the Workplace: Banks From Sweden and Pakistan (Management Project)
In the 19th century, a combined social movement for the women’s equality took place in the United States (Elmuti et al. 2003). The first movements for Continue reading
Q-Learning for Robot Control (Robotics Project)
Q-Learning is a method for solving reinforcement learning problems. Reinforcement learning problems require improvement of behaviour based on received rewards. Q-Learning has the potential to Continue reading
Android Map Application (Computer Project)
Nowadays people use maps everyday in many situations. Maps are available and free. What was expensive and required the user to get a paper copy in a shop is now available on any Smartphone. Not only maps but location-related information visible on the maps is an Continue reading
Parametric Ram Air Channel Model for Flow Optimization (Mechanical Project)
Ram air channel or NACA channel is used to direct the ambient air for various purposes in an aircraft, such as pressurizing the cabin or as a coolant to heat exchangers and even more other applications like a cooling of the coolant. It is designed; such that it supplies the Continue reading
Modeling the Air Change Rate in a Naturally Ventilated Historical Church: Multiplelinear Regression Analysis (Civil Project)
In this study the air infiltration through the envelope of a naturally ventilated stone church located in Bergby (Gävle, Sweden) is studied. The project is focused on Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) modeling the Continue reading
Linking Human Resource Management Practices with Important Work Outcomes (Management Project)
It is widely believed that the implementation of progressive HR practices that affect employee skills, motivation, and behaviors can create strategic advantage for the organization. However, the intervening mechanisms of Continue reading
Faraday Rechargeable Battery System (Electrical Project)
The modern electronic age has given birth to a variety of innovative and hand-held devices that are carried with the consumer nearly 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The one shortfall of these devices is their energy storage, or in most Continue reading
Epidemic Content Distribution in Mobile Networks (Computer Project)
With the growing popularity of integrating mobile networks and social networks, people now enjoy a freer and more efficient means of communication. Smarter mobile devices facilitate modern human life. In the information age, various new types of information have Continue reading
Simulation of Rail Wear on the Swedish Light Rail Line Tvärbanan (Mechanical Project)
Rail wear can result in extensive costs for the track owner if it is not predicted and prevented in an efficient way. To limit these costs, one measure is to Continue reading
Integrated Management of Highway Maintenance and Traffic (Civil Project)
Highway maintenance, especially pavement rehabilitation or resurfacing, requires lane closures. This work develops an integrated model to help highway agencies in developing traffic control plans for Continue reading
Between Mission and Market: The Creation of Fundraising Propositions (Management Project)
The voluntary sector is growing in importance; in fundraising turnover, number of players and marketing professionalism. This study explores the process by which the fundraising Continue reading