This degree project is about sustainable low-cost housing in Ethiopia with a focus on CSSB-technology, which is one method of Continue reading
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Scaffolding to Improve Reasoning Skills in Problem Formulation (Management Project)
Educators in engineering and science disciplines are well aware of student difficulties in formulating problems. Correct problem formulation Continue reading
Indoor Positioning at Arlanda Airport (Electronics Project)
Recent years have witnessed remarkable developements in wireless positioning systems to satisfy the need of the market for real-time services. At Arlanda airport in Stockholm, LFV – department of research and developement wanted to invest in Continue reading
Boundary-scan in the ACTA Standard (Computer Project)
Larger systems today, like telephone and optical switches, are usually based on a multi-board architecture where a set of printed-circuit boards are Continue reading
Heat Exchanger Design for Solar Gas-Turbine Power Plant (Mechanical Project)
The aim of this project is to select appropriate heat exchangers out of available gas-gas heat exchangers for used in a proposed power plant. The heat exchangers are to be used in the power plant for the purposes of waste heat recovery, recuperation and intercooling.In selecting an Continue reading
The Possible Development Directions of Ring-way Links Connecting the Districts of Budapest (Civil Project)
The immense urbanization of the twentieth century resulted in population and territory growth through the attachment of several nearby villages to the Continue reading
Have IFRS Contributed to an Increased Value-Relevance?: The Scandinavian Evidence (Management Project)
This paper examines the value-relevance of Scandinavian earnings information and book values over the past decade in order to shed some light on whether the extensive global adoption of IFRS/IAS has contributed to Continue reading
Parking Guidance System Utilizing Wireless Sensor Network and Ultrasonic Sensor (Electronics Project)
This study introduces a new approach of parking system by using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology equipped with ultrasonic sensors. The system also implements shortest path algorithm to calculate the shortest distance from the parking berth to the nearest Continue reading
Peer-to-Peer Grid Computing and a .NET-based Alchemi Framework (Computer Project)
The idea of metacomputing is very promising as it enables the use of a network of many independent computers as if they were one large Continue reading
Carbon Fiber Electronic Interconnects (Mechanical Project)
Carbon fiber is an emerging material in electrical and electronics industry. It has been used as contact in many applications, such as switch, potentiometer, and commutator brush. A new technique of electronics interconnect is developed, with Continue reading
Behaviour and Structural Design of Concrete Structures Exposed to Fire (Civil Project)
Concrete has an excellent intrinsic behaviour when exposed to fire, especially when compared to other building materials. However, its fire resistance should not be taken for Continue reading
Executive Information Search Within Top Management Teams and its Impact on Organizational Innovation (Management Project)
The focus of this study is an examination of an important yet understudied managerial activity – that of Continue reading