In this thesis, the influence of soil-structure interaction (SSI) of end-frame bridges for high-speed railways was studied. Impedance functions, representing the SSI, was calculated and analyzed. The impedance functions were applied to Continue reading
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Value and Proportions of Intangible Assets (Management Project)
Organizations within the public- and the private sector have different aims with their accounting. Privately held organizations often have the intention to make profit, while authorities within the public sector aim to provide citizens with Continue reading
Computationally Efficient Model for On-Board Simulation of Heavy Duty Diesel Engines (Mechanical/Electrical Project)
Simulating the translatory motion of a vehicle during a gear shift gives a good basis to evaluate performance and comfort of a Continue reading
Site Survey for WLAN Upgradation at Halmstad University (Computer Project)
The university intends to upgrade the wireless network from IEEE 802.11 g to IEEE 802.11 n standard. The main task of study is to investigate the required number of access point for the update to Continue reading
Sizing and Balance Module Development for Aircraft Conceptual Design (Mechanical Project)
This thesis work was done in order to improve the capabilities in a preliminary aircraft analysis program, DIBA, at Saab Aerosystems. The areas that this was done are in the sizing and balance. One sizing tool was developed in order to Continue reading
Capacity assessment of a single span arch bridge with backfill (Civil Project)
The aim of this project is to assess the load carrying capacity of the Glomman Bridge outside of the Swedish city Örebro. The Glomman Bridge is an unreinforced concrete single span arch bridge with backfill. The bridge was Continue reading
Talents: The Key for Successful Organizations (Management Project)
Taking into account the rapidly changing of the environment nowadays and the necessity of being different between organizations, this paper tries to show how to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage in companies, through talented people using Continue reading
Low Power Smartdust Receiver with Novel Applications and Improvements of an RF Power Harvesting Circuit (Electronics Project)
Smartdust is the evolution of wireless sensor networks to cubic centimeter dimensions or less. Smartdust systems have advantages in cost, flexibility, and rapid deployment that make them ideal for many Continue reading
A Highly Precise and Linear IC for Heat Pulse based Thermal Bidirectional Mass Flow Sensor (Electronics Project)
In this work we have designed and simulated a thermal bi-directional integrated circuit mass flow sensor. The approach used here was an extension to the gas flow model given Continue reading
Speech Interface for a Mobile Audio Application (Electronics/Computer Project)
Today almost everyone owns a mobile phone, adults along with teenagers and kids. Even laptops and other wearable devices such as personal digital assistants (PDA’s) are become more common. We want constant connectivity to Continue reading
Wap Usage In Sweden: Could i-mode be an option? (Computer Project)
Since the beginning of the 21st century mobile phone usage has had a big growth. Together with developed techniques from the Internet conditions for a new market Continue reading
A Smart Gateway Design for WSN Health Care System (Electronics Project)
Using Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) in health care system has yielded a tremendous effort in recent years. However, in most of these researches tasks like sensor data processing, health states decision making and Continue reading