In the current arena, rapid changes are required to address dynamic patient’s treatment process needs according to the patient’s demand in the healthcare sector. This research work addresses existing problems about information flow in ward-round, what is the optimal information need for an Continue reading
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Test Turbine Measurements and Comparison with Meanline and Throughflow Calculations (Mechanical Project)
This study is a collaboration between Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery(SIT) and Royal Institute of Technology(KTH). It is aimed to study and compare the outputs of two different Continue reading
Bridge Pier Scour in Tidal Environments (Civil Project)
Scour depths in estuaries are often estimated using imprecise models that were developed for riverine systems and do not consider the various processes responsible for the Continue reading
Managers Communication: How Cultural Intelligence Affects Communication (Management Project)
As the world becomes more global and companies become internationalized there is a growing urge for companies to work more efficiently. A problem that might rise when people from different cultures work together, is the risk for Continue reading
Navigation for Autonomous Wheelchair Robot (Electrical Project)
The problem with motorized wheelchairs is that they are large, clumsy and difficult to control. This is especially true if the driver has severely reduced capabilities. What we want is a wheelchair that Continue reading
Local Level Set Segmentation with Topological Structures (Computer Project)
Locating and segmenting objects such as bones or internal organs is a common problem in medical imaging. Existing segmentation methods are often cumbersome to use for Continue reading
Automation of Packing Process (Mechanical Project)
The design work that precedes the automation of a process is not an easy job. Each one of the variables and possible risks involved in process must be carefully considered before implement the final design as well the requirements in performance and cost. However Continue reading
Introduction to Cable Suspension Bridges (Civil Project)
This report is an overview of suspension bridges. A historical perspective of bridge construction design and materials is included, focusing on bridges of interest to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. The report is intended to Continue reading
Cross-functional Co-operation for Improved Product Development: A Case Study (Management Project)
The purpose of this project is to identify and analyze relevant dimensions of cooperation between design and production related to product development. The study also focuses on suggesting improvements of the co-operation dimensions between Continue reading
Deposition Control for Electrospun Fibers (Electrical Project)
Electrospinning (ES) is a process for fabricating polymer fibers that have diameters that range from tens of nanons to hundreds of microns, which has been studied for over 100 years. These fibers have been studied in Continue reading
Robot-Assisted Hospital Bed Transport (Computer Project)
The controlling of mobile robots has been and still is in the focus of researchers. Fuzzy rule-based controllers are extensively used to control robots. Path planners were created using different search methods finding the shortest trajectory between Continue reading
Membrane based Dehumidification and Evaporative Cooling using Wire Mesh Media (Mechanical Project)
Membrane dehumidification and evaporative cooling applications have the potential to significantly improve the energy efficiency of air conditioning equipment. The use of wire mesh media in such membrane applications is Continue reading