The Bookshop Automation System is to automate all operations in a bookshop. Generally it includes the Order Processing, Stock Management and Continue reading
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Range Extender for the Renault Fluence Z.E.: Choice of the engine and design of the structural support (Mechanical Project)
Electric cars have appeared as an alternative to the big pollution caused by internal combustion engine cars. However, electric cars as the Renault Fluence Z.E. are not very sold in the market because of their small range of Continue reading
Low Energy Supermarket in a Mediterranean Climate (Civil Project)
This Study is the result of Master Thesis Degree at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH) in the Division of Building of Building Technology, over Erasmus programme. The objective of this project is to Continue reading
Online Personalized Communication (Management Project)
Nowadays when users navigate in internet they find lots of types of communication scattered across diverse sites. Due to the lack of users’ interests in advertisements, primarily caused by not matching their preferences, today’s advertisements Continue reading
ICT System Architecture for Smart Energy Container (Electronics Project)
Hybrid Energy Resource System (HERS) is studied and applied around world in recent years. Control and monitor of them are quite important in real application. HERS also has Continue reading
Load Management for a Telecom Charging System (Computer/Electronics Project)
There are a huge number of customers using Ericsson’s prepaid telecom charging system. This means that even the smallest optimization done in its management of load results in a big win when Continue reading
Low Temperature Waste Heat Solutions (Mechanical Project)
The report comprises two separate parts:
Part 1: Temperature needs for district heating in the paint shop for Continue reading
Road Traffic Noise and Calculation – A study of region Skåne, Sweden (Civil/Computer Project)
Since the first car appeared, the pollution on the roads became an issue, which is still mainly unsolved. Too many people complain about traffic noise. Various methods have been developed that aimed at Continue reading
Networking Challenges – A Case Study of Swedish Firms Acting on the Japanese Market (Management Project)
This thesis aims to describe how Swedish firms have established themselves on the Japanese market with help from their business network. This research has been conducted in the light of the economic recession and the complicated Continue reading
Solar Water Pumping System – Design and Simulation (Electrical Project)
This project deals with the design and simulation of a simple but efficient photovoltaic water pumping system. It provides theoretical studies of photovoltaics and modeling Continue reading
Multi-label Classification Methods for Green Computing and Application for Mobile Medical Recommendations (IEEE Computer Project)
With the explosive development of communication technologies, more customer friendly services have been designed for the next generation of cellular technology, that is Continue reading
Hydraulic Regenerative System for a Light Vehicle (Mechanical Project)
The project is based in a constructed light vehicle that must be improved by adding a hydraulic energy recovery system. This vehicle named as TrecoLiTH, participated in the Formula Electric and Hybrid competition (Formula EHI) 2009 in Italy -Rome- and won Continue reading