Multimedia applications are already supported over the Internet with application level adaptation mechanisms. However, wireless links have Continue reading
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Computer Projects
A source-to-source compiler for the PRAM language Fork to the REPLICA many-core architecture (Computer Project)
This study describes the implementation of a source to source compiler that translates Fork language to REPLICA baseline language. The Fork language is a high-level programming language designed for the PRAM (Parallel Random Access Machine) model. The baseline language is a Continue reading
Network Admission Control (NAC) Securing End Point Devices (Computer Project)
There have been remarkable growths in wireless communication networks in recent years; this is because of its merits over the wired networks such as Mobility and convenience. Wireless networks transmit the signal over the open air via radio waves of different frequencies, this makes it to be Continue reading
Optimal Coherent Reconstruction of Unstructured Mesh Sequences with Evolving Topology (Computer Project)
Animated three dimensional geometry has become a natural part in many areas over the last decade. Industries such as games and special effects have pushed the Continue reading
Design and implementation of application independent easy-to-use game engine (Computer Project)
The objective of this report is to study whether it is possible to create a versatile game engine that can be both application independent and easy to use. In order to study this issue, we have implemented a prototype game engine that supports Continue reading
Frequency Oriented Scheduling on Parallel Processors (Computer Project)
This study is focused on how to maximize the frequency of the local schedule in order to help the global schedule merge the stream computations better.
Mainly we have following target to achieve: Continue reading
Designing a User Interface for Web Based Project Management in Film Production (Computer Project)
The aim of this project is to create a user interface for a web based film production project management portal. This implies creating a site map and a functionality specification based on the needs of the people working in the film production industry. The project was made on account of Continue reading
Detection and Extraction of Sky Regions in Digital Images based on Color Classification (Computer Project)
In many applications of image processing there is a need to extract the solid background which it is usually sky for outdoor images. In our application we present this solution. We developed an automatic Continue reading
Online Cinema Ticket Booking System in ASP.Net (Computer Project)
This cinema ticket booking is a faster, cleaner and a tad more personal website, specially designed to make Continue reading
Detection of Cancer in Human Blood Sample based on Microscopic Images (Computer/Biomedical Project)
At the moment, identification of blood disorders is through visual inspection of microscopic images of blood cells. From the identification of blood disorders, it can lead to Continue reading
Development of a Computer Interface for a Clamp-on Ultrasonic Flow Meter (Computer/Electronics Project)
The section for volume, flow and temperature at SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden performs measurements of volume, flow and temperature in liquids. Flow meters are best calibrated in its installation to take sources of error like Continue reading
Creating Serious Games by Integrating External Components in Commercial Game Engines (Computer Project)
The military industry has come to look at games as means for better looking and cheaper simulations. Altering games and game engines are not necessarily easy and finding a suitable Continue reading