Example programs are well known as an important tool to learn computer programming. Realizing the significance of example programs, this study has been conducted with a goal to measure and evaluate the quality of examples used in academia. We make a distinction between Continue reading
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Computer Projects
Design and Implementation of a Generic Communication Protocol for use in an IPTV Environment (Computer Project)
With the presence of smartphones and tablets people are getting used to control their technical devices at home with custom applications. This study explores the possibility of Continue reading
Mobile Ajax (Computer Project)
Ajax stands for “Asynchronous JavaScript and XML” and it’s not a programming language, but a suite of technologies used to develop web applications with more interactivity than the Continue reading
Aggregating Product Reviews for the Chinese Market (Computer Project)
As of December 2007, the number of Internet users in China had increased to 210 million people. The annual growth rate reached 53.3 percent in 2008, with the average number of Continue reading
Decision Support System for Fault Isolation of JAS 39 Gripen: Development and Implementation (Computer Project)
This thesis is a result of the increased requirements on availability and costs of the aircraft Jas 39 Gripen. The work has been to specify Continue reading
Optimized On-chip Software Pipelining On the Cell BE Processor (Computer Project)
The special architecture of the Cell BE processor has made scientists revisit the problem of sorting. This paper implements and tests a variant of merge sort where a number of Continue reading
Analysis and Simulation of Threats in an Open, Decentralized, Distributed Spam Filtering System (Computer Project)
The existence of spam email has gone from a fairly small amounts of a few hundred in the late 1970’s to several billions per day in 2010. This continually growing problem is of Continue reading
Lightweight M2M Solution on Android Platform (Computer Project)
Machine-to-machine communication (M2M) is a generic term for technologies dealing with autonomous communication between machines. Continue reading
Human Face Detection with Support Vector Machines (Computer Project)
The computer vision problem of face detection has over the years become a common high-requirements benchmark for machine learning methods. In the last decade, highly efficient face detection systems have been developed that extensively use the nature of Continue reading
Online Auction in ASP.Net and VB.Net (Computer Project)
“U Auction” is an online auction web site aimed at taking the auction to the finger tips of aspiring bidders there by opening up the doors of Continue reading
Zoomable User Interfaces for the Authoring and Delivery of Slide Presentations (Computer Project)
Millions of slide presentations are being authored and delivered with computer software every day. Yet much of the computer’s power for these tasks remains untapped. Existing interaction techniques leave presenters wrestling with Continue reading
Conversion of a Visual Basic 6 Application to Visual Basic .NET (Computer Project)
This study describes the process of converting an application from Visual Basic to a .NET programming language. This work was carried out on behalf of Continue reading