This is a simple project designed professionally in dot net to manage the activities of a school such as student attendance, teachers employed, subjects, exams, school expenditures etc. Continue reading
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Computer Projects
Horus: A WLAN based Indoor Location Determination System (Computer Project)
As ubiquitous computing becomes more popular, the need for context-aware applications increases. The context of an application refers to the Continue reading
Intelligent Motion Planning for a Multi-Robot System (Computer Project)
Multi-robot systems of autonomous mobile robots offer many benefits but also many challenges. This work addresses collision avoidance of robots solving continuous problems in known environments. The approach to handling collision avoidance is here to enhance a motion planning method for Continue reading
Intelligent Tourist Information System (Computer Project)
Nowadays people use mobile phones and other mobile devices. Most of us have a small computing device that is always with us. People use it example for calling, as calendar and organizer. Mobile devices with GPS receiver are Continue reading
Easy to use Project Management System in PHP (Computer Project)
- Easily create and edit project details with web-based project management software.
- Customize your project categories and the project status options to your needs. Continue reading
Ontology Supported Personalized Search for Mobile Devices (Computer Project)
Web search is a frequent activity on Internet connected devices, yet still a nuisance when user is using a mobile device, taking into consideration their limited Continue reading
Aaro Mobile: a J2ME Client for Enterprise Reports (Computer Project)
There are more and more applications appearing for mobile devices. So far, a lot of them have focused on entertaining the user. However, there are good reasons to believe that mobile enterprise applications will Continue reading
A Usability Engineering approach to developing an e-Commerce Web Application (Computer Project)
Usability is an important aspect of product development that deals with the quality of interaction between the user and the product. Capturing requirements is aimed at understanding what the users expect the Continue reading
East-West Attitudes towards Integrated Communication Tools (Computer Project)
This paper contains a study attempting to answer the differences in East-West attitudes towards integrated communication tools. It does so by attempting to Continue reading
Computational methods to improve Genome Assembly and Gene Prediction (Computer Project)
DNA sequencing is used to read the nucleotides composing the genetic material that forms individual organisms. As IInd generation sequencing technologies offering high throughput at a feasible cost have matured, sequencing has permeated nearly Continue reading
Realistic Lighting in Autodesk Maya with Mental Ray Area Light (Computer Project)
The knowledge on how to create realistic lighting in computer graphics is one part that sets a realistic scene apart from one that can easily be spotted to being made in a Continue reading
Agile Prototyping: A combination of different approaches into one main process (Computer Project)
Software prototyping is considered to be one of the most important tools that are used by software engineers nowadays to be able to understand the customer’s requirements, and develop software products that are Continue reading