Wind industry aims to generate more energy and reduce energy cost by increasing energy capacity of machines. As a result the loading scales up non-linearly. Nowadays there is a lack of studies of Continue reading
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Tag: Simulation
Design and Evaluation of Pediatric Gait Rehabilitation Robots (Mechanical Project)
Gait therapy methodologies were studied and analyzed for their potential for pediatric patients. Using data from heel, metatarsal, and toe trajectories, a nominal gait trajectory was determined using Fourier transforms for Continue reading
The Development of Multi-Axis Real-time Substructure Testing (Civil Project)
Real-time substructure is a novel hybrid method for the dynamic testing of structures. During an experiment, the structure of interest is divided into two entities. The crucial parts for the project undertaken are physically replicated and loaded Continue reading
Work Zone’s Capacity Estimation and Investigation of Potential of Dynamic Merge Systems (Civil Project)
Work zones are an essential part of roads maintenance. Despite all the efforts addressed to reduce work zone’s negative impacts on the road traffic performance and improve the Continue reading
Static and Dynamic Analysis of a Commercial Vehicle with Van Body (Mechanical Project)
A vehicle and its structural components are subjected to loads which cause stresses, strains, deflections, vibration and noise in the components. To achieve a quality vehicle, i.e. one having longer fatigue life, reduced weight, reduced cost, and so on, it becomes necessary to use Continue reading
Realistic Multi-Cell Interference Coordination in 4G/LTE (Electronics Project)
In the LTE mobile system, all cells use the same set of frequencies. This means that a user could experience interference from other cells. A method that has been studied in order to reduce this interference and thereby increase data rate or system throughput is to Continue reading
Test Turbine Measurements and Comparison with Meanline and Throughflow Calculations (Mechanical Project)
This study is a collaboration between Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery(SIT) and Royal Institute of Technology(KTH). It is aimed to study and compare the outputs of two different Continue reading
Robot-Assisted Hospital Bed Transport (Computer Project)
The controlling of mobile robots has been and still is in the focus of researchers. Fuzzy rule-based controllers are extensively used to control robots. Path planners were created using different search methods finding the shortest trajectory between Continue reading
Computationally Efficient Model for On-Board Simulation of Heavy Duty Diesel Engines (Mechanical/Electrical Project)
Simulating the translatory motion of a vehicle during a gear shift gives a good basis to evaluate performance and comfort of a Continue reading
A Highly Precise and Linear IC for Heat Pulse based Thermal Bidirectional Mass Flow Sensor (Electronics Project)
In this work we have designed and simulated a thermal bi-directional integrated circuit mass flow sensor. The approach used here was an extension to the gas flow model given Continue reading
Large Scale Monolithic Solar Panel Simulation – A Study on Partial Shading Degradation (Electrical Project)
Shadow-induced degradation is a major concern for both power output and long-term reliability in solar cells. Apart from the obvious fact that shading reduces the amount of solar irradiance available to solar panels, it may lead to formation of Continue reading
Low Energy Supermarket in a Mediterranean Climate (Civil Project)
This Study is the result of Master Thesis Degree at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH) in the Division of Building of Building Technology, over Erasmus programme. The objective of this project is to Continue reading