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Load Management for a Telecom Charging System (Computer/Electronics Project)

There are a huge number of customers using Ericsson’s prepaid telecom charging system. This means that even the smallest optimization done in its management of load results in a big win when Continue reading

Sensorless Rotor Position Estimation For Brushless DC Motors (Electrical Project)

Brushless DC motor speed is controlled by synchronizing the stator coil current with rotor position in order to acquire an accurate alignment of stator rotating field with rotor permanent-magnet field for efficient transfer of energy. In order to accomplish this Continue reading

Investigation of Film Cooling Strategies CFD versus Experiments-Potential for Using Reduced Models (Mechanical Project)

The ability and efficiency of today’s gas turbine engines are highly dependent on development of cooling technologies, among which film cooling is one of the most important. Investigations have been conducted towards discovering different aspects of film cooling, utilizing both Continue reading

Implementation of CAN Communication Stack in AUTOSAR (Electrical Project)

In the automotive industry today, embedded systems have reached a level of complexity which is not maintainable with the traditional approach of designing automotive embedded systems. For this purpose, many of Continue reading