Path Finder was sent to Mars in 1998. This was achievement a great which detected the secrets of “Mars”. This project deals with RF controlled robot and it is a prototype for the Continue reading
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Tag: Image Processing
Numerical Inversion and Assessment of 2D Laplace Transforms using the Brancik Algorithm and its use in 3D Holography (Electrical Project)
An analytic examination of 3D holography under a 90° recording geometry was carried out earlier in which 2D spatial Laplace transforms were introduced in order to develop transfer functions for the scattered outputs under readout. Thereby, the resulting Continue reading
Implementation and Evaluation of Content-aware Video Retargeting Techniques (Computer/Electrical Project)
The purpose of this master thesis was to study different content-aware video retargeting techniques, concentrating on a generalization of seam carving for video. Focus have also Continue reading
The Construction of a Pan-tilt Unit With Two Digital Cameras and a PC Interface (Electrical/Computer Project)
This project describes the construction and assembly of a prototype for one Pan-Tilt unit equipped with two digital cameras. The purpose of the unit is to Continue reading
Pest Control in Agricultural Plantations using Image Processing (Computer/Electronics Project)
Monocropped plantations are unique to India and a handful of countries throughout the globe. Essentially, the FOREST approach of growing coffee along with in India has enabled the plantation to fight many outbreaks of pests and Continue reading
Face Recognition using Image Processing for Visually Challenged (Computer/Electronics Project)
In this paper the face recognition is done for the visually challenged people. Visually challenged people faces lot of problems in day to day life. Our goal is to make them lead a life which is of security and safety for their own Continue reading
LEAP, A Platform for Evaluation of Control Algorithms (Electronics/Computer Project)
Most people are familiar with the BRIO labyrinth game and the challenge of guiding the ball through the maze. The goal of this project was to use this game to create a platform for evaluation of control algorithms. The platform was used to evaluate a few different Continue reading
Led Light Stick (Electronics/Computer Project)
A one meter long strip of 60 neo-pixels is connected to an Arduino Uno and a portable battery to recreate images with a long exposure camera. Images can either be downloaded online or created in Adobe Photoshop. Images are compressed to Continue reading
Need for Wireless Fire Detection Systems Using IOT (Computer Project)
Internet of things is an interconnection of physical devices embedded with electronics, software, sensor which is capable of collecting data from the surrounding and sending data over internet Continue reading
Realtime Mosaicing of Video Stream from µUAV (Computer Project)
The goal of the project is to develop an application for creating a map in real time from a video camera on a miniature unmanned aerial vehicle. This project and report is a first exploratory study for this application. It implements a prototype method and evaluates it on Continue reading
Digital 3D Facial Reconstruction Based on Computed Tomography (Computer Project)
Despite the introduction of DNA-analysis for identification of human remains (1997-2000) several cases exist where the deceased remain unidentified. Approximately ten percent of unknown deceased persons can not be identified by dental status or other Continue reading
Development of Mobile-based Hand Vein Biometrics for Global Health Patient Identification (IEEE Computer Project)
For many health services in developing countries, patient identification is a fundamental need. In countries where no standard form of identification is available, this problem is exacerbated by a lack of literacy and also frequent errors in spelling and Continue reading