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Experiment of All Solid-State Electrochemical Sensor for Surface Chemistry Analysis for Adhesive Bonding (Mechanical Project)

This thesis presents: 1) Literature review on adhesive bonding technologies in aviation industry including surface pretreatments (pre-preparation), surface quality assurance, and surface chemistry analysis methods; and 2) Development and study of a novel solid-state electrochemical sensor for Continue reading

CFD Analysis on the Main-Rotor Blade of a Scale Helicopter Model using Overset Meshing (Mechanical Project)

In this paper, an analysis in computational uid dynamics (CFD) is presented on a helicopter scale model with focus on the main-rotor blades.The helicopter model is encapsulated in a background region and the ow eld is solved using Star CCM+. A surface and volume mesh continuum was generated that contained Continue reading

Interval Based Integer Ambiguity Resolution Using Multiple Antennas: Applied to airplane attitude determination (Mechanical Project)

Finding the correct integers is the key to high precision range measurements. This has been an issue of investigation since the early 1980’s and many different techniques have been developed, none of them can guarantee to resolve the correct integers in 100% of the Continue reading