Winglets being a small structure play an important role in reducing the induced drag in aircraft. Many types of winglets have been designed and their significance in reducing the drag is published. One of the main objectives of this work is to Continue reading
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Tag: Avionics
Combined Platform for Boost Guidance and Attitude Control for Sounding Rockets (Electronics Project)
This report handles the preliminary design of a control system that includes both attitude control and boost control functionality for sounding rockets. This is done to Continue reading
Analysis of Casting Process for Complex Electronic Unit (Mechanical Project)
Most aircraft component are currently being manufactured by machining, forging, welding and also assembling such parts. However, the possibilities of cutting cost from a single component has brought about a growing trend towards looking into casting as a possible option for manufacturing aircraft parts. Continue reading
Streamlining of Hydraulic Testing (Mechanical Project)
ST Aerospace located at Arlanda airport maintain and repair aircraft components. The maintenance activities that the workshop conducts require testing of the component’s function. For a long time the repair shop has experienced problems with Continue reading
Biologically Inspired Vision and Control for an Autonomous Flying Vehicle (Electronics Project)
This thesis makes a number of new contributions to control and sensing for unmanned vehicles. I begin by developing a non-linear simulation of a small unmanned helicopter and then proceed to develop Continue reading
Analysis of the Z-wing configuration (Mechanical Project)
This project will analyze the Z-wing configuration. The Z-wing configuration is basically an airplane that has one of the wings placed at the forward section of the fuselage and the other wing placed on the other side far aft at the Continue reading
Experiment of All Solid-State Electrochemical Sensor for Surface Chemistry Analysis for Adhesive Bonding (Mechanical Project)
This thesis presents: 1) Literature review on adhesive bonding technologies in aviation industry including surface pretreatments (pre-preparation), surface quality assurance, and surface chemistry analysis methods; and 2) Development and study of a novel solid-state electrochemical sensor for Continue reading
Military Aviation Incident Reporting from an HTO Perspective (Mechanical Project)
The purpose of this study is to find out if the Swedish Air Force and the military aviation industry, Saab Aerosystems, use an HTO perspective in Continue reading
The Performance of an Iced Aircraft Wing (Mechanical/Electronics Project)
The goal of this study work has been to develop and manufacture an ice layer which was to be mounted on the tip of a scaled down wing model. The iced wing should be Continue reading
CFD Analysis on the Main-Rotor Blade of a Scale Helicopter Model using Overset Meshing (Mechanical Project)
In this paper, an analysis in computational uid dynamics (CFD) is presented on a helicopter scale model with focus on the main-rotor blades.The helicopter model is encapsulated in a background region and the ow eld is solved using Star CCM+. A surface and volume mesh continuum was generated that contained Continue reading
Interval Based Integer Ambiguity Resolution Using Multiple Antennas: Applied to airplane attitude determination (Mechanical Project)
Finding the correct integers is the key to high precision range measurements. This has been an issue of investigation since the early 1980’s and many different techniques have been developed, none of them can guarantee to resolve the correct integers in 100% of the Continue reading
Validation and integration of a Rubber Engine Model into an MDO environment (Mechanical Project)
Multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) is a technique that has found use in the field of aerospace engineering for aircraft design. It uses optimization to simultaneously solve design problems with several disciplines involved. In order to predict aircraft performance an engine Continue reading