The objective of this study was to evaluate the flying qualities of a light unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) developed by the Thai company AVIA Satcom Co., Ltd. Based on the study changes in design was to be suggested to meet stability requirements and Continue reading
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Tag: Aeronautics
Streamlining of Hydraulic Testing (Mechanical Project)
ST Aerospace located at Arlanda airport maintain and repair aircraft components. The maintenance activities that the workshop conducts require testing of the component’s function. For a long time the repair shop has experienced problems with Continue reading
Biologically Inspired Vision and Control for an Autonomous Flying Vehicle (Electronics Project)
This thesis makes a number of new contributions to control and sensing for unmanned vehicles. I begin by developing a non-linear simulation of a small unmanned helicopter and then proceed to develop Continue reading
Wingbox Mass Prediction considering Quasi-Static Nonlinear Aeroelasticity (Mechanical Project)
Nonplanar wing configurations promise a significant improvement of aerodynamic efficiency and are therefore currently investigated for future aircraft configurations. A reliable mass prediction for a new wing configuration is of great importance in Continue reading
Analysis of the Z-wing configuration (Mechanical Project)
This project will analyze the Z-wing configuration. The Z-wing configuration is basically an airplane that has one of the wings placed at the forward section of the fuselage and the other wing placed on the other side far aft at the Continue reading
Could Suppliers Take Greater Transport and Owner Responsibility (Management Project)
GKN Aerospace Engine Systems acts as supplier to the original equipment manufacturers of aircraft engines and is one owe the largest component manufacturer in the aerospace industry. They purchase raw material from suppliers all over the Continue reading
An Explication of Airfoil Section Bending-Torsion Flutter (Civil Project)
This study examines the dynamic instability known as flutter using a two-degree-of-freedom airfoil section model in both quasi-steady and unsteady flow. It explains the fundamental forces and moments involved in the Continue reading
The Performance of an Iced Aircraft Wing (Mechanical/Electronics Project)
The goal of this study work has been to develop and manufacture an ice layer which was to be mounted on the tip of a scaled down wing model. The iced wing should be Continue reading
A Temperature Control System for the Alfvén Laboratory Balloon Experiment (Mechanical Project)
The polarized Gamma-ray Observer (PoGOLite) is a balloon-borne experiment that will measure the polarization of soft gamma rays in the energy range 25 keV-80 keV. PoGOLite will carry an auroral Continue reading
Optimization of Calculation Models of Maintenance Offers for new Civil Engines (Mechanical Project)
The sales support department performs calculations concerning maintenance offerings for civil engines based on the use of complex tools. This report describes the missions Continue reading
A Method for Detecting Resident Space Objects and Orbit Determination Based on Star Trackers and Image Analysis (Mechanical Project)
Satellites commonly use onboard digital cameras, called star trackers. A star tracker determines the satellite’s attitude, i.e. its orientation in space, by comparing star positions with databases of star patterns. In this thesis, I investigate the Continue reading
CFD Analysis on the Main-Rotor Blade of a Scale Helicopter Model using Overset Meshing (Mechanical Project)
In this paper, an analysis in computational uid dynamics (CFD) is presented on a helicopter scale model with focus on the main-rotor blades.The helicopter model is encapsulated in a background region and the ow eld is solved using Star CCM+. A surface and volume mesh continuum was generated that contained Continue reading