This study investigates the impact of migration networks on the decision to migrate in Moldova. Using a recent cross-sectional household survey with extensive migration information I am able to disaggregate the Continue reading
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Audio DSP: Time and Frequency Varying Gain Compensation for Non-Optimal Listening Levels (Electrical/Electronics Project)
Although the human hearing system is very complex, several models exist that explain parts of the hearing system. This study uses one of these models, the contours of Continue reading
Dwarf: A Complete System for Analyzing High-Dimensional Data Sets (Computer Project)
The need for data analysis by different industries, including telecommunications, retail, manufacturing and financial services, has generated a Continue reading
Factors affecting the Dynamic Properties of Rubber Isolators (Mechanical Project)
Rubber is a highly complicated material. Its properties are strongly dependent of temperature, preload, frequency, amplitude and Continue reading
Target Costing i Large Cap (Management Project)
Background and problem formulation: Since the 1980s, the product of the company has become increasingly important, because of increased competition and rapid technological development. To succeed in the Product development, “Target Costing” can be used as an important Continue reading
Design of Pipelined Analog-to-Digital Converter with SI Technique in 65 nm CMOS Technology (Electronics Project)
Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) plays an important role in mixed signal processing systems. It serves as an interface between analog and digital signal processing systems. In the last two decades, circuits implemented in current-mode technique have drawn lots of Continue reading
Medical Shop Management System in VB.Net (Computer Project)
This project handles all the transactions of a medical shop. This project handles all the purchasing and selling medicines, maintaining their inventory, generating Continue reading
Analysis of Casting Process for Complex Electronic Unit (Mechanical Project)
Most aircraft component are currently being manufactured by machining, forging, welding and also assembling such parts. However, the possibilities of cutting cost from a single component has brought about a growing trend towards looking into casting as a possible option for manufacturing aircraft parts. Continue reading
Technology led catch-up in Indian IT industry: Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies (Management Project)
Indian IT companies have garnered a good market share in the global IT services market. Research has been emerging on the Continue reading
Automatic Railway Gate Control & Track Switching (Electronics Project)
Aim of this project is control the unmanned rail gate automatically using embedded platform. Today often we see news papers very often about the railway accidents happening at Continue reading
Scheduling Algorithms for Grid Computing: State of the Art and Open Problems (Computer Project)
Thanks to advances in wide-area network technologies and the low cost of computing resources, Grid computing came into being and is currently an active research area. One motivation of Grid computing is to aggregate the power of widely distributed resources, and provide Continue reading
Exoskeleton Arm: How to Construct a Smart Support Structure for an Arm (Mechanical Project)
The purpose of this thesis was to find an optimal way to construct and control a product that could help those who suffer from muscle weakness or a muscle sickness. The device was made out of Continue reading