Today, companies need to constantly expand their business to stay ahead of the severe competition. As competition grows more intense, it makes sense to join forces or simply Continue reading
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Automated Multiple Water Filling (Electronics Project)
This project was discussed about the design and implementation of automated multiple water filling machine using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). This system suitable for Continue reading
Evaluation of the user interface of the BLAST annotation tool (Computer Project)
In general, annotations are a type of notes that are made on text while reading by highlighting or underlining. Marking of text is considered as error annotations in a machine translation system. Error annotations give information about the Continue reading
Heat Transfer Correlations for Gas Turbine Cooling (Mechanical Project)
A first part of a “Heat Transfer Handbook” about correlations for internal cooling of gas turbine vanes and blades has been created. The work is based on the cooling of Continue reading
Design of inter-component load-bearing connections in prefabricated single-family houses (Civil Project)
For the transfer of horizontal loads acting on a timber building the connections between the prefabricated timber elements play an important role. In this work the standard wall-to-substrate, wall-to-wall, wall-to-flooring/flooring-to-wall and roof-to-wall connections of Continue reading
The elements of dependence: A case study on inter-organizational dependence (Management Project)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate which elements constitute inter-organizational dependence and how inter-organizational dependence influences the relationship between Continue reading
GSM Based SMS Driven Automatic Display Toolkit for College Noticeboard (Electronics Project)
The main aim of the project will be to design a SMS driven automatic display toolkit which can replace the currently used programmable electronic display. It is proposed to design receive cum display toolkit which can be Continue reading
Voice Based Automated Transport Enquiry System in and MySQL (Computer Project)
Now this is the age of speed. Everything happens in the speed of supersonic. The data can be transferred at the speed of light in the digital medium, can travel in the supersonic speed, hence three is a need of Continue reading
The Possibility of Energy Recovery from Waste Material in Arges County, Romania (Mechanical Project)
Waste disposal is a global problem contributing to the ongoing climate change by large emissions of greenhouse gases. By using waste material as a resource instead of Continue reading
Fly Ash Soil Stabilization for Non-uniform Subgrade Soil (Civil Project)
To provide insight into subgrade non-uniformity and its effects on pavement performance, this study investigated the influence of non-uniform subgrade Continue reading
How External Requirements Affect the Insurance Industry (Management Project)
The financial sector stands for an important part of society’s fundamental infrastructure and national economy. Previous financial crises indicate the importance of having a well-regulated financial market. Former directives of regulating the Continue reading
ZigBee Wireless Soil Moisture Sensor Design (Electronics Project)
The soil moisture level is one of the critical aspects, which controls the quality of the grapes grown in vineyards. The main objective of this research is to investigate the development of a low cost soil moisture sensor, which can be used in a ZigBee Continue reading