Designing efficient and reliable communication protocols for wireless sensor networks in indoor monitoring applications is a challenging task, due to the uncertainty and dynamics of the Continue reading
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Zoomable User Interfaces for the Authoring and Delivery of Slide Presentations (Computer Project)
Millions of slide presentations are being authored and delivered with computer software every day. Yet much of the computer’s power for these tasks remains untapped. Existing interaction techniques leave presenters wrestling with Continue reading
Growth of Cracks at Rolling Contact Fatigue (Mechanical Project)
Rolling contact fatigue is a problem encountered with many machine elements. In the current report a numerical study has been performed in order to predict the Continue reading
Hydraulic and Hydrologic Properties of the Sabine River (Civil Project)
The Sabine River is located in Northeast Texas and is home to many threatened and endangered species as well as a growing human population. It is important to understand channel properties and flow characteristics of rivers in Continue reading
Managing Growth in a Socially Responsible Way (Management Project)
The problem of achieving and sustaining growth is vital for companies in any country market, but it is even more crucial for companies in an emerging market, such as Russia. Meanwhile, some companies in the Continue reading
Deriving Activity from RFID Detection in an Assisted Living Context (Electronics Project)
There has been a significant growth in the deployment of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in the supply chain in the recent years. Since RFID requires less cost and infrastructure than the sensor networks such as Ultrasonic or Wi-Fi, it has been applied in many business and Continue reading
Conversion of a Visual Basic 6 Application to Visual Basic .NET (Computer Project)
This study describes the process of converting an application from Visual Basic to a .NET programming language. This work was carried out on behalf of Continue reading
Design of a Four Rotor Hovering Vehicle (Mechanical Project)
Potential applications of autonomous vehicles range from unmanned surveillance to search and rescue applications dangerous to human beings. Vehicles specifically designed for hover flight have their own possible Continue reading
Beneficial Reuse of Baltimore Dredged Sediments as Vertical Cutoff Wall Backfill Material (Civil Project)
Dredged sediments are obtained from the process of dredging coastal areas and harbors in order to maintain navigable waterways. This study focuses on the potential of using Continue reading
Democracy Spinning Backwards (Management Project)
The aim of this thesis is to assess whether agency advocacy in newspapers debate articles has increased since the 1970’s and what forms agency advocacy take. This is done by investigating if the number or share of debate articles written by Continue reading
Video Transmission Jerkiness Measure (Electronics Project)
Digital video transmission is widely used nowadays in multimedia. Frame dropping, freeze and reduced number of frames in the transmitted video are common Continue reading
Design Patterns for Multi-Agent Systems (Computer Project)
Design patterns document a field’s systematic knowledge derived from experiences. Despite the vast body of work in the field of multi-agent systems (MAS), design patterns for MAS are not Continue reading