Problem: The Fashion industry is a highly discussed issue today, and as it is very competitive, the awareness among consumers, especially male consumers, has increased. Through a preliminary research conducted by the authors, it was evident that creating Continue reading
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Laser feedback control for Robotics in Aircraft Assembly (Robotics Project)
The aim of this study is to investigate how the absolute accuracy of an industrial robot can be increased by monitoring the position of the robot. The motive is to automate high precision, low volume production such as aircraft industry. A laser tracker that can Continue reading
East-West Attitudes towards Integrated Communication Tools (Computer Project)
This paper contains a study attempting to answer the differences in East-West attitudes towards integrated communication tools. It does so by attempting to Continue reading
Basis and a Concept for a Paper Machine in a Laboratory Scale (Mechanical Project)
This project studies paper and what it is made of and different ways to manufacture it in a laboratory scale. It also contains a comparison of different ways to dry tissue and which method that suits Continue reading
Investigating the Critical Success factors for PPP Projects in Kuwait (Civil Project)
Kuwait is planning for huge infrastructure and development projects through long term strategies and visions from 2007 until 2035 to overcome the needs for the welfare housing and to move the country to be the region’s top commercial and financial hub. These goals wouldn’t be Continue reading
Innovation Crowdsourcing: Exploring the Use of an Innovation Intermediary (Management Project)
Background: With the Open Innovation paradigm come new hopes for innovating companies. The ability to tap a global network of experts can, at least in theory, have a significant impact on an organization’s competitive strength. Before such a Continue reading
Study of Solar/Biogas Hybrid Power Generation (Electronics Project)
This thesis proposes a solar photovoltaic and biogas hybrid system for generation of electricity to overcome from global warming effect, economic and Continue reading
Computational methods to improve Genome Assembly and Gene Prediction (Computer Project)
DNA sequencing is used to read the nucleotides composing the genetic material that forms individual organisms. As IInd generation sequencing technologies offering high throughput at a feasible cost have matured, sequencing has permeated nearly Continue reading
Assessment of Humidity Management Effects on PEM Fuel Cell Performance (Mechanical Project)
The electrical energy output and the performance of a PEM fuel cell is dependent on the ion transfer in the fuel cell. The ion transport mechanism in the electrolyte cell membrane is dependent on Continue reading
Smart Sensing Skin for Detection and Localization of Fatigue Cracks (Civil Project)
Fatigue cracks on steel components may have strong consequences on the structure’s serviceability and strength. Their detection and localization is a difficult task. Existing technologies enabling structural health monitoring have a complex link Continue reading
Open Source Strategy: A Change of Perception through the Lens of Innovation (Management Project)
Open Source Software has been all about myths until recently, with many people believing that open source isn’t reliable because the open source projects are held by a small group of Continue reading
An Architecture for High-throughput and Improved-quality Stereo Vision Processor (Electronics Project)
This paper presents the VLSI architecture to achieve high-throughput and improved-quality stereo vision for real applications. The stereo vision processor generates Continue reading