The knowledge on how to create realistic lighting in computer graphics is one part that sets a realistic scene apart from one that can easily be spotted to being made in a Continue reading
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Air Bubble Entrainment by Breaking Bow Waves Simulated by a 2D+T Technique (Mechanical Project)
Experimental studies of air entrainment by breaking bow waves are essential for advancing the understanding of these flows and reating valid models. This experimental research is part of a larger project whose Continue reading
Towards Smart Concrete for Smart Cities: Recent Results and Future Application of Strain-Sensing Nanocomposites (Civil Project)
The use of smart technologies combined with city planning have given rise to smart cities, which empower modern urban systems with the efficient tools to cope with growing needs from increasing population sizes. For example, smart Continue reading
A Study on Marketing Mix by Sony Corporation (Management Project)
Marketing Mix is a major concept in modern marketing and involves practically everything that a marketing company can use to influence consumer perception favorably towards its product or services so that Continue reading
Raptor Codes for Super-Dense Networks (Electronics Project)
In this project, we investigate the performance of Raptor codes as candidates for channel coding for the wireless communication between access nodes. Very high data-rates are used, and processing uses more resources Continue reading
Agile Prototyping: A combination of different approaches into one main process (Computer Project)
Software prototyping is considered to be one of the most important tools that are used by software engineers nowadays to be able to understand the customer’s requirements, and develop software products that are Continue reading
Design of Parametric Winglets and Wing tip devices: A Conceptual Design Approach (Mechanical Project)
Winglets being a small structure play an important role in reducing the induced drag in aircraft. Many types of winglets have been designed and their significance in reducing the drag is published. One of the main objectives of this work is to Continue reading
Financing Alternatives for Small Real Estate Developers in China: A Case Study of Guangzhou (Civil Project)
Nowadays, the skyrocket price of residential house due to lack of houses in cities becomes a crucial problem in Continue reading
Water Usage Behaviour and Discourse in Cambodia (Management Project)
Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in Asia and the mortality and morbidity due to lack of improved water supply sources are high. Improvement in this area could better the situation for many Cambodians and as a consequence better the situation for the Continue reading
IP Geolocation in Metropolitan Areas (EEE/ECE Project)
In this project, we propose a robust methodology to geolocate a target IP Address in a metropolitan area. We model the problem as a Pattern Recognition problem and present algorithms that can extract patterns and match them for inferring the geographic location of target’s IP Address. Continue reading
Properties of ‘Good’ Java Examples (Computer Project)
Example programs are well known as an important tool to learn computer programming. Realizing the significance of example programs, this study has been conducted with a goal to measure and evaluate the quality of examples used in academia. We make a distinction between Continue reading
3-Axis Automated Probe Traverse for Aerodynamic Testing (Mechanical Project)
Our primary objective is to design, build, and test an automated traverse to hold measurement probes in Cal Poly’s low speed wind tunnel. The device should cause minimal flow disturbance. It’s movements must be able to Continue reading