Student Management System is a internet based Web Portal that aims at providing information to all levels of management system for a College in handling student related tasks. This system can be used as Continue reading
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Real-Time Simulation of a Racing Car (Mechanical Project)
This work describes the development and the application of a computer-based vehicle simulator. Such real-time simulation software is currently used in our Department as a tool for optimizing the design of a racing car, namely a single-seat vehicle for the Continue reading
Management of international transfer of innovative technologies in the enterprise (Civil Project)
The objective is to clarify the concept of technology transfer and the accompanying components to deliver them to the reader. The object of this paper is to study technology transfer. The subject of this paper is to study the concept of international transfer of Continue reading
Knowledge Transfer within a Project based Industrial Company: A study of ABB Power Systems AB (Management Project)
Background: Amongst contemporary companies, knowledge is considered as an ever more important factor of production and hence a competitive device. Demands on well-developed processes of knowledge management are particularly high in Continue reading
Design of Small Photovoltaic(PV) Solar-Powered Water Pump System (Electronics Project)
The intent of this technical publication is to provide general guidance on the design of small solar-powered water pump systems for use with livestock operations or irrigation systems. This document provides a review of the basic elements of electricity, a description of the Continue reading
Student Database Management System in PHP and MySQL (Computer Project)
Student management system is an environment where all the process of the student in the institution is managed. It is done through the automated computerized method. Conventionally this system Continue reading
Renewable for Rural Electrification in Sri Lanka (Mechanical Project)
At the beginning of the 1970s, the industrial countries accounted for about 80%of world oil consumption. Today, they are down to little more than 50%. Already, China uses more total primary energy than United States. Developing countries are in the process of Continue reading
Business and Real Estate Cycles The Kuala Lumpur Office Market (Civil Project)
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to apply the concept of business cycle and real estate cycle in term of their Continue reading
Viable options of financing a new venture on entrepreneur’s point of view (Management Project)
It is fact that one of the main reasons why a country is considered developed or developing lies on its industry development level. A nation without a well-developed industry does not create jobs enough, thus wealth to keep its population on high standards. It is critical to a Continue reading
Tradeoff Analysis and Joint Optimization of Link-Layer Energy Efficiency and Effective Capacity Toward Green Communications (Electronics Project)
A joint optimization problem of link-layer energy efficiency (EE) and effective capacity (EC) in a Nakagami-m fading channel under a delay-outage probability constraint and Continue reading
Student Database Management System in C#.Net and MS SQL (Computer Project)
Main aim in developing “College Management System” is to provide an easy way not only to automate all functionalities of college, but also to provide full functional reports Continue reading
Development and Demonstration of a Diode Laser Sensor for a Scramjet Combustor (Mechanical Project)
Hypersonic vehicles, based on scramjet engines, have the potential to deliver inexpensive access to space when compared with rocket propulsion. The technology, however, is in its infancy and there is still much to be learned from fundamental studies.
Flows that represent the conditions inside a scramjet engine can be generated in ground tests using a free-piston shock tunnel and a combustor model. These facilities provide a convenient location for Continue reading