For the short and mid-term outlooks a reduced grow rate in the worlds energy demand is unlikely. The increased demand for fossil resources will therefore be accompanied by Continue reading
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The Relationship Between House Prices and the Stock Market (Management Project)
Stocks and houses are the two major assets on the balance sheet of American households. Changes in the two markets have a large influence on wealth and the general economy. This thesis investigates the relationship between the Continue reading
Real-Time Rosberry Pi Slam Robot (Electronics Project)
A realtime monocular (single camera) visual Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) robot is built utilizing a server-node based computational approach. The core of the robot is a Raspberry Pi 2 with a Robot Operating System (ROS) wrapper Continue reading
Determination of Plant Architecture and Component Phenotyping Based on Time-lapse Image Analysis (Computer Project)
Plant breeding and the development of new food production depend on accurate measurement of different phenotypes (observable physical traits) of a plant. The plant phenotypes play a very important role in the Continue reading
Design Automation System-Supporting Documentation and Management (Mechanical Project)
During the practical use of Design Automation (DA) System in a company, the lack of assistance from either documentation work about the whole system or management of Continue reading
Equity and equality in HR-work in South Africa (Management Project)
In this thesis we have studied equality and equity from an HR perspective in South Africa. The study is partly made from an inductive approach and an analytical interpretation in line with hermeneutic has been used. The data is mainly contracted from Continue reading
IoT based Smart Vehicle Automation and Control with Enhanced Safety, Security and Traking System using Wireless Sensors Networks (Electronics Project)
In these modern era transportation is becoming as one of the important need of human. Though it has numerous need, we face lot of problem in it which cost human life. This paper deals with problem which cause accident and also to ensure Continue reading
Independent Study on Porting Amber CPU to DE1-SOC and Altera Bus (Electronics Project)
The Amber processor core is an ARM-compatible 32-bit RISC processor. The Amber core is fully compatible with the ARM® v2a instruction set architecture (ISA) and is therefore supported by the GNU toolset. The Amber project is a complete embedded system implemented Continue reading
IOT Based Smart Farming System (Computer/Electronics Project)
Farming is a major input sector for economic development of any country. Livelihood of majority of population of the country like India depends on agriculture. In this project, it is proposed to develop a Smart Farming Continue reading
Remote Controlled Metal Detecting Robot with Remote Image Transmission (Electronics Project)
Path Finder was sent to Mars in 1998. This was achievement a great which detected the secrets of “Mars”. This project deals with RF controlled robot and it is a prototype for the Continue reading
Design and Development of Android based Attendance Management System (Computer Project)
Now a days, it is highly possible to adapt mobile computing in various applications. The portability, open source nature of smart phones and android development platform has made the development of application software for various Continue reading
Comparative Study of Fragment Geometries (Mechancial Project)
Fragments from explosive device have been and still are a great threat, but has now changed into terrorist attacks involving IED (Improvised Explosive Devise) rather than Continue reading