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Embedded based Industrial Automation with Appliance Control and Power Consumption Analysis using IoT


Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that connects all things and the Internet in smart spaces. By implementations of intelligence with sensing devices, IoT has been widely applied to different fields, such as smart homes, the application Continue reading

BSN-Care: A Secure IoT-Based Modern Healthcare System Using Body Sensor Network (Computer Project)


Advances in information and communication technologies have led to the emergence of Internet of Things (IoT). In the modern health care environment, the usage of IoT technologies brings convenience of physicians and patients, since Continue reading

Effective Ways to Use Internet of Things in the Field of Medical and Smart Health Care (Biomedical Project)


The recent advancements in technology and the availability of the Internet make it possible to connect various devices that can communicate with each other and share data. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new concept that allows users to Continue reading

IoT Based Smart Healthcare Kit (Biomedical Project)


The paper presents the design and implementation of an IOT-based health monitoring system for emergency medical services which can demonstrate collection, integration, and interoperation of IoT data flexibly which can provide support Continue reading

Classifying a Person’s Degree of Accessibility from Natural Body Language During Social Human–Robot Interactions (Electronics Project)


For social robots to be successfully integrated and accepted within society, they need to be able to interpret human social cues that are displayed through natural modes of communication. In particular, a key challenge in the design of Continue reading

Self-Configuration and Smart Binding Control on IoT Applications (Electronics/Electrical Project)


The rapid development of wireless communication technology facilitates the realization of the Internet of Things (IOT). Self-configuration and smart connection system have become relative important issue in accordance with extensive applications Continue reading

Performance Evaluation of Connectivity and Capacity of Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (Electrical/Computer Project)


Recent measurements on radio spectrum usage have revealed the abundance of under- utilized bands of spectrum that belong to licensed users. This necessitated the paradigm shift from static to dynamic spectrum access (DSA) where secondary Continue reading