In a current context of important material deliveries, mostly produced in Europe and shipped to China, many standards need to be set, rules to be established, liabilities to be defined. However, most of the Continue reading
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DRM – Digital Rights Management (Computer Project)
In recent years, technological developments have led to digital files being more easily distributed, for example through Napster (a file sharing service on the Internet). In order to manage and control the distribution Continue reading
Bayesian Approach on Quantifying the Safety Effects of Pedestrian Countdown Signals to Drivers (Civil Project)
Pedestrian countdown signals (PCSs) are viable traffic control devices that assist pedestrians in crossing intersections safely. Despite the fact that PCSs are meant for pedestrians, they also have an impact on drivers’ behavior at Continue reading
A Trust Model for Vehicular Network-based Incident Reports (Computer Project)
Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to- Infrastructure (V2I) networks are ephemeral, short-duration wireless networks that have the potential to improve the overall driving experience through the exchange of information Continue reading
Comparative Simulation of Heat Transfer in a Cylinder of Phase Changing Material: How Does the Orientation Impact the Energy Discharge? (Mechanical Project)
A computer simulation was done in COMSOL Mulitphysics 5.1, on heat transfer in rods filled with phase change material (PCM). The main objective was to compare the rods rate of heat transfer at Continue reading
Expansion of Dynamic Simulation Model for a Distributed Generator Unintentional Islanding Detection Scheme (Electrical Project)
The interconnection of distributed resources requires specific voltage regulation, monitoring, protective relaying, power quality, and islanding detection. For this reason IEEE established standard IEEE 1547 that ensures the Continue reading
LabVIEW™ Database Interfacing For Robotic Control (Computer Project)
The Zymark™ System is a lab automation workstation that uses the Caliper Life Sciences (Hopkinton, MA) Zymate XP robot. At Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, a Zymate is used in a course, INFO I510 Data Acquisition and Laboratory Automation, to demonstrate the fundamentals of laboratory robotics. This robot has been Continue reading
Interval Based Integer Ambiguity Resolution Using Multiple Antennas: Applied to airplane attitude determination (Mechanical Project)
Finding the correct integers is the key to high precision range measurements. This has been an issue of investigation since the early 1980’s and many different techniques have been developed, none of them can guarantee to resolve the correct integers in 100% of the Continue reading
Alternatives to the Replacement of an Electrical Heating System (Mechanical Project)
The aim of this project is to make an energy survey for a group of apartments and suggestions to change the heating system from electricity to a more efficient one. There are in total 73 flats in 21 buildings. All flats are separated in several houses from Continue reading
Telepresence (Management Project)
Telepresence is one of the most promising collaboration tools, it allows companies to have meetings with colleagues and clients on the other side of the world giving the feeling that everyone is in the same room. This promising technology allows companies to Continue reading
Achieving Perfect Location Privacy in Wireless Devices using Anonymization
The popularity of mobile devices and location-based services (LBS) have created great concerns regarding the location privacy of the users of such devices Continue reading
Analyses of Building Energy System Alternatives through Transient Simulation (Mechanical Project)
This thesis examines the performance of residential buildings and the energy systems contained within those buildings by simulating them in the TRaNsient SYstems Simulation (TRNSYS) program. Continue reading