Web programming is getting more and more important every day and as a consequence, many new tools are created in order to help developers design and construct applications quicker, easier and Continue reading
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Computer Projects
Designing Home Automation System (HAS) using Java ME for Mobile Phone (Electronics/Computer Project)
Home automation means to control home appliances and their characteristics like on and off, speed, volume and dimming. Since last few years, ICT (Information Communication Technology) have been Continue reading
Hospital Management in JAVA (Computer Project)
Hospital Management System is a process of implementing all the activities of the hospital in a computerized automated way to fasten the Continue reading
Web Auction in EJB (Computer Project)
Auctions have been used from very old times antiquity to sell a wide variety of goods, and their basic form has remained unchanged. In this project, we explore the efficiency of Continue reading
Gym Management System in C#.Net (Computer Project)
Helps to manage various activities of the Gym like Instructors, Members, Plans, Fees, Gym Equipments etc. It is developed in Continue reading
Development of Database Support for Production of Doubled Haploids (Computer/Biomedical Project)
In this project relational and Lotus Notes database technology are evaluated with regard to their suitability in providing computer-based support in plant breeding in general and specifically in the production of doubled haploids. The two developed databases are compared based on Continue reading
Automatic Parallel Memory Address Generation for Parallel DSP Computing (Computer/Electronics Project)
The concept of Parallel Vector (scratch pad) Memories (PVM) was introduced as one solution for Parallel Computing in DSP, which can provides parallel memory addressing efficiently with Continue reading
Checking the integrity of Global Positioning Recommended Minimum (GPRMC) sentences using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) (Electronics/Computer Project)
In this study, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is used to check the integrity of the Global Positioning Recommended Continue reading
Implementation and Evaluation of Packet Loss Concealment Schemes With the JM Reference Software (Computer/Electronics Project)
Communication over today’s IP-based networks are to some extent subject to packet loss. Most real-time applications, such as video streaming, need methods to hide this effect, since resending lost packets may Continue reading
A Roadmap for Usability and User Experience Measurement During Early Phases of Web Applications Development (Computer Project)
Web usability and User Experience (UX) play a vital role in the success and failure of web applications. However, the usability and UX measurement during the software development life cycle provide Continue reading
Migrating the New Horizon website to WordPress (Computer Project)
There are different problems associated with a static website, such as management and content update. To address these problems, one alternative is to use Content Management System (CMS), such as WordPress. This project describes the process of Continue reading
Design of a Household Concept Motivating Sustainable Consumption Behavior (Computer Project)
In common households today the awareness of the electricity, water and waste consumption are rather low. This generates a behavior that conflicts with Continue reading