Today’s world is increasingly relying on computer networks. The increase in the use of network resources is followed by a rising volume of security problems. New threats and vulnerabilities are discovered everyday and affect Continue reading
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Computer Projects
Client-side Threats and a Honeyclient based Defense Mechanism, Honeyscout (Computer/Electrical Project)
Client-side computers connected to the Internet today are exposed to a lot malicious activity. Browsing the web can easily result in malware infection even if the user only visits well known Continue reading
Towards Guidelines for Development of Energy Conscious Software (Computer Project)
In recent years, the drive for ever increasing energy efficiency has intensified. The main driving forces behind this development are the increased innovation and adoption of mobile battery powered devices, increasing Continue reading
View-Invariance in Visual Human Motion Analysis (Computer Project)
This study makes contributions towards the solutions to two problems in the area of visual human motion analysis: human action recognition and Continue reading
User Interface Design for Analysis of Sensor Systems (Computer Project)
In the future network-based Swedish Defence (NBD), attaining information superiority will be of great importance. This will be achieved by a network of networks where Continue reading
Exploiting Presence (Computer Project)
By exploiting context awareness, traditional applications can be extended to offer better quality or new functions. Utilizing a context-aware infrastructure, a variety of context Continue reading
Socratenon – a Web-based Training System with an Intellect in Java (Computer Project)
The main goal of the project called Socratenon was to build a new Web-based training environment that would go beyond traditional ones. In the open literature, there are several solutions trying to accomplish Continue reading
Sustainability of a Web 2.0 application from the perspective of Actor Network Theory: The case of Libguide (Computer Project)
This study aims to focus on relational controversy about the causes behind the inconsistency in number of students who use a Web 2.0 application named “LibGuide” inside the Linnaeus University and the attempts of program coordinator to develop Continue reading
Airline Reservation System in (Computer Project)
This is a complete application for airline reservation programmed in Airline Reservation System provides information regarding all flights, their arrival, their departure, seat availability and other Continue reading
NetworkPerf: A tool for the investigation of TCP/IP network performance at Saab Transpondertech (Computer Project)
To detect network changes and network troubles, Transpondertech needs a tool that can make network measurements. Continue reading
Design and Implementation of a Constraint Satisfaction Algorithm for Meal Planning (Computer Project)
The world’s population is ageing. Due to societal improvements in healthcare, living standards, and socio-economic status, more and more people are living to old age. The proportion of the world’s population aged 65 or over is expected to increase from 11% in 1998 to 16% in 2025. This causes a major public health issue, because Continue reading
Design and Implementation of a Prototype Home Media System for an IP-based Settop Box (Computer Project)
This study covers design and implementation of a media system solution for home networks with personal computers and a set-top box. Continue reading