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Client-side Threats and a Honeyclient based Defense Mechanism, Honeyscout (Computer/Electrical Project)

Client-side computers connected to the Internet today are exposed to a lot malicious activity. Browsing the web can easily result in malware infection even if the user only visits well known Continue reading

Towards Guidelines for Development of Energy Conscious Software (Computer Project)

In recent years, the drive for ever increasing energy efficiency has intensified. The main driving forces behind this development are the increased innovation and adoption of mobile battery powered devices, increasing Continue reading

Design and Implementation of a Constraint Satisfaction Algorithm for Meal Planning (Computer Project)

The world’s population is ageing. Due to societal improvements in healthcare, living standards, and socio-economic status, more and more people are living to old age. The proportion of the world’s population aged 65 or over is expected to increase from 11% in 1998 to 16% in 2025. This causes a major public health issue, because Continue reading