There is a gap between low fidelity prototyping using paper and high fidelity prototyping using computers in web design. Both serve well in different stages of web design, but are not well integrated. Prior studies have Continue reading
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Computer Projects
Evaluation of a Floating Point Acoustic Echo Canceller Implementation (Computer project)
This master thesis consists of implementation and evaluation of an AEC, Acoustic Echo Canceller, algorithm in a floating-point architecture. The most important question this thesis will try to answer is to determine Continue reading
Automatic Generation of Collision Hulls for Polygonal Objects (Computer Project)
Today it is common to use some kind of bounding volume to make the physical interaction between several objects in a virtual environment. Collision hulls are required to Continue reading
Integrated Optics Modules Based Proposal for Quantum Information Processing, Teleportation, QKD, and Quantum Error Correction Employing Photon Angular Momentum (IEEE Computer Project)
Impact Statement:
Goal of this paper has been to propose: (i) photon angular momentum based deterministic universal quantum qudit gates, (ii) different quantum modules of importance for Continue reading
IP based Patient Monitoring System (Computer/Electronics Project)
This report is to suggest an IP based Patient Monitoring System (PMS) with an Open Architecture Approach Theory (OAAT). The PMS is based on latest buses connectivity, especially by using the TCP/IP protocol suite as an internal bus instead of the Continue reading
Embedded Computer for Space Applications Suitable for Linux (Computer/Electronics Project)
This report briefly describes the special requirements for a computer board for use in space. In particular, component selection and ways of Continue reading
Computer Vision and Image Processing Techniques for Mobile Applications (Computer Project)
Camera phones have penetrated every corner of society and have become a focal point for communications. In our research we extend the traditional use of such devices to help bridge the gap between physical and Continue reading
Performance evaluation of J2EE & .NET Web Services interacting with a .NET Client (Computer Project)
The objective of this project is to build an e-commerce website using ASP.NET as well as J2EE technologies. Visual Studio 2005 provides a great IDE to build seamless front end Continue reading
Security Enhanced Firmware Update Procedures in Embedded Systems (Computer/Electronics Project)
Many embedded systems are complex, and it is often required that the firmware in these systems are updatable by the end-user. For economical and confidentiality reasons, it is important that these systems only accept Continue reading
LiUMIMO: A MIMO Testbed for Broadband Software Defined Radio (Computer Project)
In order to keep up with the increasing demand on speed and reliability in modern wireless systems, new standards have to be introduced. By using Multiple Input Multiple Output technology (MIMO) and Continue reading
Implementation of a Delay-Tolerant Routing Protocol in the Network Simulator NS-3 (Computer Project)
Small mobile devices with networking capabilities are becoming more and more readily available and used. These devices can be used to form mobile ad hoc networks to communicate, where no Continue reading
Pharmacy Management System in C Sharp (Computer Project)
Pharmacy management system helps in storing the daily transactions of medicines. It can also store Continue reading