In market-driven product development, large numbers of requirements flow in continuously. It is critical for product management to select the requirements aligned with overall business Continue reading
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Computer Projects
A Data-Centric Framework for Development and Deployment of Internet of Things Applications in Clouds (Computer Project)
As technology develops, more human-made devices are able to make use of Internet to communicate with each other, thus enabling the Internet of Continue reading
Evaluation of Cross-platform Development for Mobile Devices (Computer Project)
Developing an application for several platforms can be time consuming because each platform has its own operating system and different developing language. Cross-platform development makes it possible to develop an Continue reading
Software Architecture Checker (Computer Project)
By the increasing needs of software industry, software systems became more complex constructions than ever before. As a result of increasing complexity in software systems, functional decomposition of these systems gains the status Continue reading
From vision to prototype: Virtual road racing (Electronics/Computer Project)
Riding a stationary exercise bike regularly can lead to many health benefits such as stronger muscles, higher metabolism and reduced body fat percentage to mention a few. The biggest drawback is that Continue reading
Energy-efficient Sensor Management (Computer Project)
This study has investigated how the energy consumption can be reduced in a mobile sensor unit by using a dynamic measurement scheme. This was done by developing a Continue reading
Scheduling Physicians using Constraint Programming (Computer Project)
The study demonstrates the suitability, flexibility and efficiency of applying constraint programming for an automatic generation of schedules for physicians. Constraint programming is about assigning values to a number of variables subject to Continue reading
SMS based Remote Server Monitoring System For Corporate Data Centers (Computer Project)
Problem Statement
For Organizations with huge data centers having a lot of servers hosting numerous applications, it is always a major problem to Continue reading
Differential Code Shifted Reference Impulse-based Cooperative UWB Communication System (Computer Project)
Cooperative Impulse Response – Ultra Wideband (IR-UWB) communication is a radio technology very popular for short range communication systems as it enables single-antenna mobiles in a multi-user environment to Continue reading
Using OpenCL to Implement Median Filtering and RSA Algorithms: Two GPGPU Application Case Studies (Computer Project)
Graphics Processing Units (GPU) and their development tools have advanced recently, and industry has become more interested in using them. Among several development frameworks for Continue reading
Achieving Lean Software Development: Implementation of Agile and Lean Practices in a Manufacturing-Oriented Organization (Computer Project)
The study reveals improvement areas in terms of lead time and quality in a traditional software development process of a large manufacturing-oriented organization, and identifies Continue reading
Analyzing and Re-designing Legacy Systems for Enhanced Usability (Computer Project)
The CATS TCT is a military war gaming simulator used by the Swedish Armed Forces for education of position holders within battalion or company staffs. The CATS TCT was developed during the nineties and one of the challenges today is how the system can be modernized in order to Continue reading