BCA students can download latest collection of BCA Mini projects in java, bca projects in J2EE, BCA projects in C#.Net, ASP.Net, VB.Net, VB, HTML BCA projects, PHP BCA projects, C, C++ BCA projects etc… Projects listed here consists of project reports with source code.
- BCA Mini projects in VB
- BCA Mini projects in .Net
- BCA Mini projects in HTML
- Mini projects BCA in ASP.NET
- BCA Mini project topics in PHP
- Mini projects in Java for BCA Students
- BCA Mini projects in VB & SQL
- BCA Mini projects in C#
- Mini projects in C++ for BCA
- BCA Mini projects in VB.NET
- BCA Mini Project Titles and Ideas
BCA Mini Project Topics and Ideas
Mini Project for BCA in Visual Basic:
BCA Students can search for latest VB projects, Visual Basic 6.0 Projects with source code and project report for free. Download All VB Projects, VB Projects Ideas, Visual Basic Presentations & PPT’s Here.
- Library Management System Using Visual Basic
Library management system is a project which aims in developing a computerized system to maintain all the daily work of library. This project has many features… - Conversion of a Visual Basic 6 Application to Visual Basic .NET
This study describes the process of converting an application from Visual Basic to a .NET programming language. This work was carried… - Hospital Management System in VB
This project is all about hospital management. This complex project has the scope of adding new employees, doctors, admitting outpatients, fixing… - Pharmacy Database Management System in VB
The main aim of the project is the management of the database of a pharmaceutical shop. This is done by creating a database of the available medicines in the shop. The database… - Stock Billing System in VB and MS Access
Stock Billing System project is developed in Visual Basic and Microsoft Access. It has features like managing stock details, generating selling report, cash memo, invoice…
BCA Mini projects in .Net:
List of .Net projects for BCA Students with full Source Code Downloads.
- Employee Management System in C#.Net and ASP.Net
Employee management system is crucial for smooth running of any organization having a substantial number of employees. It’s a useful tool for human… - Hospital Management System in C#.Net and MS SQL
A hospital management system (HMS) is a computer or web based system that facilitates managing the functioning of the hospital or any medical set… - Voice Based Automated Transport Enquiry System in C#.net and MySQL
Voice Based Automated Transport Enquiry System is the enquiry system which operates based on the voice input given by the user. There is… - Billing System for a Departmental Store in ASP.Net + SQL
The project “Billing system” is an application to automate the process of ordering and billing of a “Departmental store”. This web based application is designed… - Student Database Management System in C#.Net and MS SQL
Main aim in developing “College Management System” is to provide an easy way not only to automate all functionalities of college, but also to provide full…
BCA Mini project topics in HTML
Here Top downloaded HTML CSS project with Source Code and Database. Free to download project Source Code developed in HTML CSS.
- Web Based Student Information Management System using HTML & SQL
Student Information Management System (SIMS) provides a simple interface for maintenance of student information. It can be used by educational institutes or… - College Management System in PHP and MySQL
College Management System Software allows college authorities to streamline education process and manage students with ease and provide a unified environment… - Library Management System in HTML
Library management system is a project which aims in developing a computerized system to maintain all the daily work of library. This project has many… - Design of Web-based Management Information System for Academic Degree & Graduate Education in HTML
For every organization, the management information system is not only a computer-based human-machine system that can support and help the administrative… - INFLOW: Structured Print Job Delivery
More and more print jobs are delivered from customer to printer digitally over the Internet. Although Internet-based job delivery can be highly efficient…
BCA Mini project in ASP.NET
List of ASP.Net Mini Projects and ASP.Net Final Year Projects with Free Source Code and Documentation.
- Online Cinema Ticket Booking System in .Net
Welcome to newly designed website cinema ticket booking is a faster, cleaner and a tad more personal website, specially designed to make your booking… - Hospital Management System in ASP.Net and MS SQL
The aim of this .NET Application is to develop an ASP.NET 3.5 Web Application using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server 2008 and Crystal Report… - Tiger E-learning System using ASP.Net
This thesis describe the development and initial experiences with a web base system, Tiger E-learning management system developed and designed to… - Online Library Management System in ASP.Net
The Online Library Management System is an application for assisting a librarian in managing a book library in a university. The system would provide basic… - Matrimonial Web Application in ASP.Net
The main objective of Matrimonial Web Application is to provide Grooms and Brides with excellent matchmaking experience by exploring the opportunities and resources…
Mini projects for BCA in PHP
Get the widest variety of Innovative PHP projects Topics and Ideas for PHP development with Source Codes. We provide PHP Projects with Source Code for PHP Project Learning & Development.
- Student Information System using PHP and MYSQL4
Student’s Information System developed using PHP4 and MYSQL4 allows administrator to insert or edit student details. The process of retrieving the information is… - Hospital Management System Using PHP and MySQL
The project “Hospital Management System” is aimed to develop to maintain day-to-day state of admission/discharge of list of patients, doctors, reports… - Wiki/Blog Content Management System in PHP
WikyBlog is a CMS/Groupware application written in PHP/MySQL that fuses collaborative editing features of wikis with user friendly publishing characteristics… - Online No-Due System in PHP
Online No-Due System is the system that is we can do the No – Due process through online. This is usually use in… - Student Information Management System using PHP & MySQL
Student Information Management System can be used by education institutes to maintain the records of students easily. Achieving this objective is…
BCA Mini project Topics in Java
Download latest collection of Java projects for BCA Final Year Students with full prepared Project Reports, Paper Presentations, Seminar Topics, PPT, Abstracts and Source Code for Free Download.
- Simple JAVA Search Engine
Nowadays every user who uses Internet wants to search for anything and everything, like Educational colleges, about Information Technology, books, news etc., using Search Engines… - Vehicle Investigation System in JSP
This project totally deals with the registration of vehicles as well as finding stolen vehicles using the registration number date. Before seaching for the… - Salary Management System Using JAVA and SQLite
The Salary Management System deals with the financial aspects of employee’s salary, allowances, deductions, gross pay, net pay etc. and generation of pay-slips for a… - Employee Work Management using Java and SQL Server
The system, which was developed now, makes this process of scheduling much easier and computerized. By this system the manager or top level designated… - Administration and Student Affairs System using Java
The static IP is a fixed IP address given to a cloud terminal. If the static IP was not used in the system it would have been impossible for the client… - A Web-based interactive Student Advising system using Java frameworks
The use of open source frameworks and tools has become popular in Java development. These frameworks and tools have core strengths and… - Unit Testing of Java EE Web Applications
This report determines if the Mockito and Selenium testing frameworks are well suited for novice users when unit- and integration testing existing Java EE Web applications…
>> 300+ Simple Java Projects with Source Code Free Download and Documentation
BCA Mini projects in VB & SQL
List of SQL Database Mini Projects and SQL Database & Visual Basic Final Year Projects for BCA with Free Source Code and Documentation.
- Students Fingerprint Attendance System for Faculty of Engineering using PHP & SQL
A finger-print based attendance system has been established to track students attendance reliably in various sessions through the year. It mainly consists of… - Online Student Profile Management System in C#.Net
All the students who are enrolled in Computing and Information Sciences (CIS) major in Kansas State University are required to submit their Program of Study… - Student Database Management and Enquiry System using Barcode Scanner in C & C++
Student’s attendance plays a very vital role in order to justify their overall academic performance. Unfortunately, there is no automated attendance… - M2M: A Simple MATLAB-to-Map Reduce Translator for Cloud Computing
MapReduce is a very popular parallel programming model for cloud computing platforms, and has become an effective method for processing massive data by… - Web-based Database Applications
Not only does a military academy have all the information overload of a normal university but it also has the extra burden of the military…
BCA Mini projects in C#
Download All C#, C#.Net Projects, C#.Net Presentations & PPT’s, C# Robotics projects, CSE Final Year C# Projects. Here we provide latest collection of projects with source code and project reports.
- A Complete Customizable Library Management System in C#.Net
This software was designed for library purpose only. This system would be able to speed-up the process of borrowing of books, searching of books… - Employee Management System
This report includes a development presentation of an information system for managing the staff data within a small company or organization. The system as such as… - Civil Registry in C#.Net with ASP.Net
Civil Registry is the online system or agency to help the Indian citizens to apply for their government records like passport, driving license, voter’s ID card, PAN card… - A Scientifically Experimental Approach to the Simulation of Designer Activity
The success of designing software intensive systems (SISs) may be improved by incorporating experimentation to be part of the design process… - Ad Agency System in ASP.Net and C#
This is a small project for an advertising agency in ASP.Net and C#. The main features of this system are: Ad Details, Ad Request, Ad Creation, Ad Rejection…
Mini projects in C++ for BCA
Download All C#, C#.Net Projects, C#.Net Presentations & PPT’s, C# Robotics projects, CSE Final Year C# Projects. Here we provide latest collection of projects with source code and project reports.
- Employee Management System in C++
Employee Management System is a distributed application, developed to maintain the details of employees working in any organization. The EMS has been… - Railway Reservation System in C++
The railway reservation system facilitates the passengers to enquire about the trains available on the basis of source and destination, booking and cancellation of… - Hotel Management System in C++
A typical luxury Hotel requires a management system to control its various operations such as maintaining account of all the people in its domain… - C++ Project on Hospital Management System
Here, a Hospital Management Console is developed in C++. Source Code can be downloaded below. To execute this Code, you must use Turbo C++ 3.0 in Windows XP. Do not… - Healthcare Management System
A healthcare center is looking to develop a state of patient portfolio management system which is able to track their patients’ medical history. This system is to facilitate the…
BCA Mini projects in VB.NET
List of VB.Net Mini Projects and VB.Net Final Year Projects for BCA Students with Free Source Code and Documentation.
- Hospital Management System in VB.Net
Almost all the concepts which are there in hospital are included in this hospital management system. Modules under this software are appointment… - Library Management System using VB.Net and MS Access
Library Management System is a software used to manages the catalog of a library. This helps to keep the records of whole transactions of the books available in… - Online Auction in ASP.Net and VB.Net
“U Auction” is an online auction web site aimed at taking the auction to the finger tips of aspiring bidders there by opening up the doors of the “OPEN Auction House” to a… - Payroll Management System Using VB.Net and MS Access
A payroll is a company’s list of its employees, but the term is commonly used to refer to: the total amount of money that a company pays to its employees… - Hospital Management System Using VB.Net and MS Access
The purpose of the project entitled as “Hospital Management System” is to computerize the Front Office Management of Hospital to develop software which…
More >> Latest BCA Project Ideas & Topics Free Downloads
More >> BCA Final Year Project Topics and Ideas
More >> BCA Mini Project Topics and Ideas for Engineering Students
BCA Mini Project Titles and Ideas
- Examination result according to the classes
- Granite Business management system
- Virtual classroom
- Dijkstra algorithm for shortest path
- Implementation of BPCS-Steganography
- Job portal
- Pragmatic general multicast
- Log browser
- Online matrimonial system
- Online health care system
- Factory management system
- T-Blogger
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