In last few years we have observed a significant increase in the usage of computing devices and their capabilities to communicate with each other. With the increase in usage Continue reading
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Tag: Security
SMARTEYE – Vehicle Security System Using Facial Recognition (EEE/ECE Project)
Facial recognition has gained increasing interest in the recent decade. Over the years there have been several techniques being developed to achieve high Continue reading
A Roadmap for Usability and User Experience Measurement During Early Phases of Web Applications Development (Computer Project)
Web usability and User Experience (UX) play a vital role in the success and failure of web applications. However, the usability and UX measurement during the software development life cycle provide Continue reading
The PHP Programmer’s Guide to Secure Code (Computer Project)
Security threats against computer systems are a big problem today which also includes PHP made applications. The report is focused on protection with the help of code and not how you protect a web server. Its purpose is not to Continue reading
Data Leakage Detection (Computer Project)
We study the following problem: A data distributor has given sensitive data to a set of supposedly trusted agents (third parties). Some of the data is leaked and found in an unauthorized place (e.g., on the web or somebody’s laptop). The distributor must assess Continue reading
Magnetic Swipe Card System Security (Electronics Project)
This paper provides a comprehensive security analysis of the Lenel magnetic swipe card system used at the University of Maryland at College Park. We first explore the cards and hardware components which comprise Continue reading
Design of an Intelligent Sensor Network for Building Security (Computer Project)
The project deals with the design of an intelligent sensor network for protecting premises from chemical, biological and intruder attacks. This project gives a logical level design along with the architectures at Continue reading
Implementation of SCOSTA-CL based Smart Card Operating System (SCSOS) (Computer Project)
Smart cards are used extensively for data security and authentication purposes in various id card based applications. The data security in smart card is provided by access control based on Continue reading
Honeypots Revealed (Computer Project)
IT Security instantly becomes an issue for anyone who connects their system to the Internet, either via a corporate network, an Internet Service Provider (ISP) from home or Continue reading
Vehicle Accident Prevention using Eye Blink Sensor (Electronics Project)
Vehicle accidents are most common if the driving is inadequate. These happen on most factors if the driver is drowsy or if he is alcoholic. Driver drowsiness is recognized as an Continue reading
Security issues with Mobile IP (Computer Project)
With a rapid growth in wireless technology in recent years, Mobile IP has become very important for consumers and businesses by providing Continue reading
IPsec Intrusion Detection Analysis: Using data from an Ericsson Ethernet Interface Board (Electronics Project)
IP security (IPsec) is commonly used for protection in Virtual Private Networks (VPN). It is also used for the protection of traffic between nodes in third generation (3G) mobile networks. The main duty of telecommunication operators is to assure the quality of service and availability of the network for Continue reading