This thesis is part of the SOCRADES project, a European research and advanced development project with the primary objective to develop a design, execution and management platform for next-generation Continue reading
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Tag: Security
Evaluate Security on the Internet Cafe (Computer Project)
Internet security (Network security) is a big topic that is very important in our society communication system, but it is extremely dynamic and wide in scope. This is the reason that many companies and organizations invest heavily in Continue reading
A Taxonomy of SQL Injection Defense Techniques (Computer Project)
SQL injection attack (SQLIA) poses a serious defense threat to web applications by allowing attackers to gain unhindered access to the Continue reading
Product Authentication Using Hash Chains and Printed QR Codes (Computer Project)
This thesis explores the usage of simple printed tags for authenticating products. Printed tags are a cheap alternative to RFID and other tag based systems and do not require specialized equipment. Due to the simplistic nature of Continue reading
An Intelligent Automated Door Control System based on a Smart Camera (Electronics Project)
This paper presents an innovative access control system, based on human detection and path analysis, to reduce false automatic door system actions while increasing the Continue reading
Attribute-based Encryption in Systems With Resource Constrained Devices in an Information Centric Networking Context (Computer Project)
An extensive analysis of attribute-based encryption (ABE) in systems with resource constrained devices is performed. Two system solutions of how Continue reading
Cell Phone Security System (Electronics Project)
Key less entry has been a luxury whose availability is confined primarily to vehicles. The cell phone security system takes this idea of key less entry and transforms it into a convenient, versatile security system that utilizes cell phone technology Continue reading
Web System Security (Computer Project)
There is growing concern about current web security development. This project looks at common web system designs, the security threats to such designs and the security requirements for a networked system, thus understanding the Continue reading
Biometrics as an Authentication Method in a Public Key Infrastructure (Electronics Project)
This paper presents proposed authentication method for PKI based on fingerprint transformations discussed in “Secure fingerprint hashes Continue reading
Integrated Optics Modules Based Proposal for Quantum Information Processing, Teleportation, QKD, and Quantum Error Correction Employing Photon Angular Momentum (IEEE Computer Project)
Impact Statement:
Goal of this paper has been to propose: (i) photon angular momentum based deterministic universal quantum qudit gates, (ii) different quantum modules of importance for Continue reading
Advanced Honeypot Architecture for Network Threats Quantification (Computer/Networking Project)
Today’s world is increasingly relying on computer networks. The increase in the use of network resources is followed by a rising volume of security problems. New threats and vulnerabilities are discovered everyday and affect Continue reading
Client-side Threats and a Honeyclient based Defense Mechanism, Honeyscout (Computer/Electrical Project)
Client-side computers connected to the Internet today are exposed to a lot malicious activity. Browsing the web can easily result in malware infection even if the user only visits well known Continue reading