The proliferation of sophisticated electronic devices and growth of computer networking have provided motivation for the development of Bluetooth standard. This short range wireless technology allows different types of consumer devices, ranging from mobile phones to Continue reading
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Tag: Mobile
Fairness-Aware and Privacy-Preserving Friend Matching Protocol in Mobile Social Networks (IEEE Computer Project)
Mobile social networks represent a promising cyber-physical system, which connects mobile nodes within a local physical proximity using mobile smart phones as Continue reading
Mobile TV as a Web Application: Mobile Web 2.0 – A new application framework for interactive Mobile TV (Computer Project)
The existing advanced web browsers in today’s mobile phones open up the door for mobile web applications. By using standard web technologies, a web page can be crafted to mimic the behavior of a Continue reading
DRM – Digital Rights Management (Computer Project)
In recent years, technological developments have led to digital files being more easily distributed, for example through Napster (a file sharing service on the Internet). In order to manage and control the distribution Continue reading
Platformisation of the Mobile Services Domain in the Open Mobile Era: Strategic Challenges for European Mobile Operators (Management Project)
This research investigates the European Mobile Telecommunications industry, looking at the biggest strategic challenges Mobile Operators are going to face in the Continue reading
Work/Life Balance and Smartphones: Can a Smartphone make a difference? (Management Project)
This study examines the relationship between work/life balance and Smartphones (Blackberry, iPhone, Continue reading
An Android Application for Tracking College Bus using Google Map (Computer Project)
GPS tracking device receives signals from the GPS satellites whereby each satellite knows the exact distance from the other satellites in its proximity. Depending on the time it takes for a signal to reach the device from each satellite, the GPS Continue reading
Security Analysis of Smartphones (Computer Project)
This work analyzes and discusses the current security environment of today’s (and future) smartphones, and proposes a security model which will reduce smartphone Continue reading
Energy Optimization in Android Applications Through Wakelock Placement (Computer Project)
Energy efficiency is a critical factor in mobile systems, and a significant body of recent research efforts has focused on reducing the energy dissipation Continue reading
SIW Multibeam Array for 5G Mobile Devices (Electronics Project)
This paper presents a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) multibeam slot array operating at ∼30 GHz for future 5G mobile terminal applications. The multibeam forming network is realized with Continue reading
Intelligent Street Lighting System Using GSM (Electronics/Computer Project)
Conventional street lighting systems in areas with a low frequency of passersby are online most of the night without purpose. The consequence is that a large amount Continue reading
Android Mobile Application for Hospital Executives (Computer Project)
Hospitals are the largest and most complex organizations where health care is provided. Safe and effective patient care services in hospitals depend on the efficient decisions made by hospital executives. The main task of hospital Continue reading