Over the past few years, mobile marketing has generated an increasing interest among academics and practitioners. While numerous studies have provided important insights into the mobile marketing, our understanding of Continue reading
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Tag: Mobile
SIM Structure, File Structure & Communication Protocols of Mobile Phones (Electronics Project)
A subscriber identity module or SIM is a smart card that is designed to fit into mobile phone. It provides the identification of a user to a network, allowing him or her to access Continue reading
Radio Interface Evolution Towards 5G and Enhanced Local Area (Electronics Project)
The exponential growth of mobile data in macronetworks has driven the evolution of communications systems toward spectrally efficient, energy efficient, and fast local area communications. It is a well-known fact that Continue reading
Improving Data Delivery in Wide Area and Mobile Environments (Computer Project)
The popularity of the Internet has dramatically increased the diversity of clients and applications that access data across wide area networks and mobile environments. Data delivery in these environments presents Continue reading
Intelligent Tourist Information System (Computer Project)
Nowadays people use mobile phones and other mobile devices. Most of us have a small computing device that is always with us. People use it example for calling, as calendar and organizer. Mobile devices with GPS receiver are Continue reading
Ontology Supported Personalized Search for Mobile Devices (Computer Project)
Web search is a frequent activity on Internet connected devices, yet still a nuisance when user is using a mobile device, taking into consideration their limited Continue reading
Aaro Mobile: a J2ME Client for Enterprise Reports (Computer Project)
There are more and more applications appearing for mobile devices. So far, a lot of them have focused on entertaining the user. However, there are good reasons to believe that mobile enterprise applications will Continue reading
Mobile Ajax (Computer Project)
Ajax stands for “Asynchronous JavaScript and XML” and it’s not a programming language, but a suite of technologies used to develop web applications with more interactivity than the Continue reading
More than downloading: Toward a scale with Wireless Connectivity (Electronics Project)
Sensors are light-weight, low powered devices that measure some aspect of a physical or virtual environment and transmit this information in some format. This project describes how to integrate a sensor onto devices to enable Continue reading
Real Time Positioning; Construction and implementation of a GPS-Communicator (Electronics Project)
The first half of the Masters thesis is the result of a survey made on the behalf of the Swedish company KORDAB International AB. The survey includes an overview of Continue reading
Mobile Multiplayer Gaming (Electronics Project)
The last ten years, online multiplayer games have become very popular. During the same time period mobile terminals and cellular networks have undergone a tremendous Continue reading
Channel estimation in Mobile Wireless Systems (Electronics/Telecom Project)
The demands of multimedia services from mobile user equipment (UE) for achieving high data rate, high capacity and reliable communication in modern mobile wireless systems are continually ever-growing. As a consequence, several Continue reading