Library Management System is a software used to manages the catalog of a library. This helps to keep the records of whole transactions of the Continue reading
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Tag: Management System
Time Series Analyst (Civil Project)
Visualization is a common need of many researchers, organizations, and projects that collect and use environmental sensor data. Web-based tools can provide screening-level visualization and data analysis functionality for users with Continue reading
Designing a User Interface for Web Based Project Management in Film Production (Computer Project)
The aim of this project is to create a user interface for a web based film production project management portal. This implies creating a site map and a functionality specification based on the needs of the people working in the film production industry. The project was made on account of Continue reading
School Management System in .Net (Computer Project)
This is a simple project designed professionally in dot net to manage the activities of a school such as student attendance, teachers employed, subjects, exams, school expenditures etc. Continue reading
Easy to use Project Management System in PHP (Computer Project)
- Easily create and edit project details with web-based project management software.
- Customize your project categories and the project status options to your needs. Continue reading
Managing Growth in a Socially Responsible Way (Management Project)
The problem of achieving and sustaining growth is vital for companies in any country market, but it is even more crucial for companies in an emerging market, such as Russia. Meanwhile, some companies in the Continue reading
Medical Shop Management System in VB.Net (Computer Project)
This project handles all the transactions of a medical shop. This project handles all the purchasing and selling medicines, maintaining their inventory, generating Continue reading
Hospital Management System in Visual Basic and MS Access (Computer Project)
This is a complete hospital management system developed in Visual Basic and Microsoft Access. The main objective of the Visual Basic Project Continue reading
Rich Internet Applications for the Enterprise: A comparative study of WebWork and Java Web Start (Computer Project)
Web applications initially became popular much thanks to low deployment costs and programming simplicity. However, as business requirements grow more complex, limitations in the Continue reading
Inventory Management System in JAVA (Computer Project)
An inventory control system is an integrated package of software and hardware used in warehouse operations, and elsewhere, to monitor the quantity, location and Continue reading
Research on Supply Chain Simulation System based on Internet of Things (Computer Project)
As one of the top ten core industries in China, Internet of things, has gradually changed our life, by influencing enterprise production, storage and Continue reading
Design and Development of Android based Attendance Management System (Computer Project)
Now a days, it is highly possible to adapt mobile computing in various applications. The portability, open source nature of smart phones and android development platform has made the development of application software for various Continue reading