The Bookshop Automation System is to automate all operations in a bookshop. Generally it includes the Order Processing, Stock Management and Continue reading
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Tag: Management System
Risk Analysis of the Applied RFID System: Project Stolpen (Computer Project)
This thesis will be a risk analysis of a RFID-system for a logistical application. The system works as follows: Around Karlstad in Sweden there are three new weighing machines for lorries. The load weight will be measured for the police to Continue reading
Workflow Management Systems, their Security and Access Control Mechanisms (Computer Project)
This paper gives an overview of workflow management systems (WfMSs) and their security requirements with focus on access mechanisms. It is a descriptive Continue reading
Employee Work Management using Java and SQL Server (Computer Project)
The system, which was developed now, makes this process of scheduling much easier and computerized. By this system the manager or top level designated employee Continue reading
Employee Management System in C++ (Computer Project)
Employee Management System is a distributed application, developed to maintain the details of employees working in any organization. The EMS has been prevailed to override the problems prevailing Continue reading
Library Management System Using Visual Basic and MS SQL (Computer Project)
Library management system is a project which aims in developing a computerized system to maintain all the daily work of library. This project has many features which are generally Continue reading
Improving Solid Waste Management in Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Civil Project)
Lack of genuine concern for solid waste management practices and inefficiency of sol-id waste management system is one of the greatest environmental issues in Addis Ab-aba, Ethiopia. The Current Municipal Solid Waste Management System is Continue reading
Hospital Management System Using PHP and MySQL (Computer Project)
The project “Hospital Management System” is aimed to develop to maintain day-to-day state of admission/discharge of list of patients, doctors, reports generation Continue reading
Salary Management System Using ASP.Net and MS SQL (Computer Project)
Salary Management system can also be called as an accounts activity which commences the salary administration of employees in the organization. Our Payroll Management Continue reading
Salary Management System Using C++ (Computer Project)
A payroll framework is software intended to sort out the issues related to the payment of the undertakings of representative installment and the recording of Continue reading
Payroll Management System Using VB.Net and MS Access (Computer Project)
A payroll is a company’s list of its employees, but the term is commonly used to refer to: the total amount of money that a company pays to its employees. A company’s records Continue reading
Library Management System in PHP and MySQL (Computer Project)
The library, contains tens of thousands of books and members which must be organized in order to prevent chaos…. Our system has a GUI (graphical user interface) on Continue reading