In industry, energy efficiency reduces system cost and emissions to the environment. Energy audits are carried out in industry to identify measures that would increase energy efficiency. However, the usual case is that Continue reading
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Service Marketing in a Cross-Culture Environment: A case of Elekta China (Management Project)
Aim: The aim of this research is to explore how the Leksell Gamma Knife survives in a cross-cultural environment by analyzing how adaptation/standardization, trust and network development overcome the challenges created by Continue reading
Position Calibration of Acoustic Sensors and Actuators on Distributed General Purpose Computing Platforms (Electronics Project)
An algorithm is presented to automatically determine the relative 3D positions of audio sensors and actuators in an ad-hoc distributed network of Continue reading
Overtake Assistance (Mechanical Project)
This study is about the development of a function that assists the driver of a heavy vehicle to do an estimation over the possibilities to overtake a preceding heavy vehicle. The function utilizes Look-Ahead and vehicle-to-vehicle communication to do a Continue reading
A Study on Inflation (Management Project)
SVAS: Strain Vector Aided Sensorization of Soft Structures (Mechanical Project)
Soft material structures exhibit high deformability and conformability which can be useful for many engineering applications such as robots adapting to unstructured and dynamic environments. However, the fact that they have almost infinite degrees Continue reading
Volunteer Tourism: Who Does it Benefit? (Management Project)
Although altruism is known to be a typical volunteer-trait, our respondents were motivated more or less by self-interest as well, adding to the discussion regarding whether altruism or self-interest is the main motivator for volunteer tourists. Second, the Continue reading
Intrinsic Embedded Sensors for Polymeric Mechatronics: Flexure and Force Sensing (Mechanical Project)
While polymeric fabrication processes, including recent advances in additive manufacturing, have revolutionized manufacturing, little work has been done on effective sensing elements compatible with and embedded within polymeric structures Continue reading
Land use Change Detection of the Buriganga River Using GIS Tools and its Water Management for Promoting a Sustainable Environment (Civil Project)
The Buriganga River has dramatically been disrupted due to extreme reduction of its water flow and encroachment of the banks and rigorous pollution due to human waste, industrial garbage and Continue reading
Understanding the Black Box in Strategic HRM Research from Resource-based and Social Exchange Perspectives (Management Project)
In this project, I examine the specific mediating mechanisms through which High Performance Work Systems influence overall unit performance. In particular, I draw mainly on two theoretical perspectives, the Continue reading
Convection and Flow Boiling in Microgaps and Porous Foam Coolers (Mechanical Project)
An open and foam-filled microgap cooler, providing direct liquid cooling for a simulated electronic/photonic component and which eliminates the problematic thermal resistance of the commonly-used Continue reading
Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR): Structure for Responsibility (Management Project)
Many organisational flaws are consequences of unsuitable structure arrangements that do not support the organisation in its work towards goal accomplishment. The appropriateness of the structure is determined by how well it allows the Continue reading