Cascading Web Services represent a collection of services offered in a system consisting of multiple devices and multiple interacting platform independent networks. ‘Cascading’ enables Continue reading
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Automatic Design of Wiring Pattern for Car Seat Heaters (Mechanical Project)
This projects aims to develop design automation in product development. Design automation causes increase in Continue reading
Sitting on the Fence between Management and Marketing, A Strategic look at Psychological Switching Costs (MBA Project)
With the Introduction of the internet and human technological advancement, our everyday lives have changed dramatically over the past 20 years and because of this, how we communicate, form social networks and purchase or sell goods have also Continue reading
XAP Integration (Computer Project)
This study will present the XAP tool integration project. Apart from presenting the survey of integration techniques that includes integration models and case tool models, we have conducted a comparison of these models. Then we reason about their applicability in the Continue reading
Gas-Filled Axisymmetric Acoustic Resonators (Mechanical Project)
In this study, the harmonic oscillations of gas-filled axisymmetric acoustic cavities near resonance conditions are considered. This problem has gained considerable interest during the last decade when compression ratios of up to Continue reading
Safeguarding for the Future: Managing Born-digital Collections in Museums (Management Project)
Over the past few decades, advancements in technology have changed society entirely. Every bit of information about world news, popular culture, and art Continue reading
An Embedded Real-Time Red Peach Detection System based on an OV7670 Camera, ARM Cortex-M4 Processor and 3D Look-Up Tables (Computer Project)
This work proposes the development of an embedded real-time fruit detection system for future automatic fruit harvesting. The proposed embedded system is based on an ARM Cortex-M4 (STM32F407VGT6) processor and an Omnivision OV7670 color camera. Continue reading
Concept Design and Market Screening of a Surface Fatigue Test Rig (Mechanical Project)
Swerea KIMAB is one of Europe’s leading institutes for metallic materials and excels in many different areas. KIMAB’s main advantage is its open internal structure where all groups and projects can share information and Continue reading
The Role of Entrepreneurial Networking on Internationalization of a Micro-sized Born Global Swedish Fashion Company: A Narrative Ethnographic Research (Management Project)
In recent studies a lot of attention is drawn to the connection between networking and entrepreneurship. Many scholars consider successful business and networking Continue reading
A Practical Framework to Study Low-Power Scheduling Algorithms on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (Computer Project)
With the advanced technology used to design VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) circuits, low-power and energy-efficiency have played important roles for hardware and software implementation. Real-time scheduling is one of the fields that has attracted Continue reading
Optimization of the Polishing Procedure using a Robot assisted Polishing Equipment (Mechanical Project)
Today, manual polishing is the most common method to improve the surface finish of mould and dies for e.g. plastic injection moulding, although it is a cumbersome and Continue reading
Phosphorus Removal from Domestic Wastewater Using Dual Reactive Materials Polonite® and Absol® (Civil Project)
Private wastewater treatment facilities release tons of phosphorus to the aquatic environment due to the insufficient removal efficiency in conventional Continue reading