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SIP in an Interconnector and Service Provider Role (Electronics Project)

This project concerns the technical problems and solutions in the Telia Mobile’s Golden Gate Architecture. The Golden Gate project will bridge service control from the IPnetwork to the circuit switched network. Connecting the different users of PSTN, GSM, W-LAN, and GPRS networks together will require Continue reading

Measuring and analyzing the continued innovation capability in Guizhou Huagong Tools Company (Management Project)

Just  as  the  innovation  is  one  of  the  key  elements  in  organization,  therefore  the continued  innovation capacity will derive organization successful. Whilst, measuring and analyzing CI capacity  in organization  is an  important activity. The primary goal of this paper is to Continue reading

Numerical Examination of the Nonlinear Dynamics of a Hybrid Acousto-Optic Bragg Cell with Positive Feedback under Profiled Beam Propagation (Electrical Project)

In standard weak interaction theory, acousto-optic Bragg analysis typically assumes that the incident light and sound beams are uniform plane waves. Acousto-optic Bragg diffraction with nonuniform profiled input beams is numerically examined under Continue reading