Most of the cameras used in computer vision, computer graphics, and image processing applications are designed to capture images that are similar to Continue reading
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Importance of Green Service Offerings for French, Dutch, Swedish and UK Retailers in Their Selection of Transport Operators (Management Project)
The selection of transport operators has become a complex decision making process with multi-criteria aspects. Deciding on which transport operator to use depends on Continue reading
Design of Static Demultiplexing for Digital-TV (Electronics Project)
All digital-TV receivers that are existent on the market today include some sort of a multiplexer which filters the data, the sound and the picture from the digital stream. These de-multiplexers are rather complex and general. The purpose of this study is to develop a de-multiplexer which would Continue reading
Matrimonial Web Application in ASP.Net (Computer Project)
The main objective of Matrimonial Web Application is to provide Grooms and Brides with excellent matchmaking experience by exploring the opportunities and resources to meet true potential partner. Keeping Continue reading
SIP in an Interconnector and Service Provider Role (Electronics Project)
This project concerns the technical problems and solutions in the Telia Mobile’s Golden Gate Architecture. The Golden Gate project will bridge service control from the IPnetwork to the circuit switched network. Connecting the different users of PSTN, GSM, W-LAN, and GPRS networks together will require Continue reading
Performance Analysis of JavaScript (Computer Project)
In the last decade, web browsers have seen a remarkable increase of performance, especially in the JavaScript engines. JavaScript has over the years gone from being a slow and rather limited language, to today have become Continue reading
Measuring and analyzing the continued innovation capability in Guizhou Huagong Tools Company (Management Project)
Just as the innovation is one of the key elements in organization, therefore the continued innovation capacity will derive organization successful. Whilst, measuring and analyzing CI capacity in organization is an important activity. The primary goal of this paper is to Continue reading
Numerical Examination of the Nonlinear Dynamics of a Hybrid Acousto-Optic Bragg Cell with Positive Feedback under Profiled Beam Propagation (Electrical Project)
In standard weak interaction theory, acousto-optic Bragg analysis typically assumes that the incident light and sound beams are uniform plane waves. Acousto-optic Bragg diffraction with nonuniform profiled input beams is numerically examined under Continue reading
Implementing Touch Interaction in a Casual Mobile Game (Computer Project)
How can a mobile game with a touch interface be designed to attract a casual gaming audience? That’s what this report will focus and investigate further upon. What should be avoided , what should you Continue reading
Simulations of Sound Propagation at a Duct Termination with flow (Mechanical Project)
Both theoretically as well as in many applications like exhaust systems, ventilation pipes, mufflers, air intakes and also large scale industrial smoke stacks, it is of interest to understand how Continue reading
Attitude Towards Mobile Advertising and Purchase Intention of Swedish Customers (Management Project)
Due to the rapid technological development in information technologies, and mobile phone industry the usage of smart phone became a new trend consequently leading to Continue reading
Inhibition of Linear Absorption in Opaque Materials Using Phase-Locked Harmonic Generation (Electrical Project)
We theoretically predict and experimentally demonstrate inhibition of linear absorption for phase and group velocity mismatched second- and third-harmonic generation in strongly absorbing materials, GaAs, in particular, at Continue reading