A novel acoustic sensor incorporating cilia-like nanowires made of magnetostrictive iron-gallium (Galfenol) alloy has been designed and fabricated using micromachining techniques. The sensor and its package design are Continue reading
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What is Swedishness? – A Qualitative Research from the Customer and Organisational Perspective (Management Project)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate what Swedishness is according to Swedish customers and how a company could communicate and Continue reading
Real-time Voltage Stability Monitoring and Control for Load Areas: A Hybrid Approach (Electrical Project)
This dissertation proposes a hybrid approach for real-time monitoring and controlling voltage stability of a load area fed by N tie lines. This hybrid approach integrates both simulation-based and measurement-based approaches for Continue reading
A Real-Time Classification approach of a Human Brain-Computer Interface based on Movement Related Electroencephalogram (Mechanical Project)
A Real-Time Brain-Computer Interface is a technical system classifying increased or decreased brain activity in Real-Time between Continue reading
International Marketing Communication in Mobile Phone Industry (Management Project)
The purpose of this study orients to the discussion of the applicability of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) in Chinese market, mainly in the Continue reading
Wide-Area Measurement-Based Applications for Power System Monitoring and Dynamic Modeling (Electrical Project)
Due to the increasingly complex behavior exhibited by large-scale power systems with more uncertain renewables introduced to the grid, wide-area measurement system (WAMS) has been utilized to complement the Continue reading
Improvement of finite element spot weld models for structural dynamics (Mechanical Project)
The ACM 2 spot weld model is the currently most widely used spot weld model in industry. It is designed to be tuned using parameters to represent the stiffness characteristics of a spot weld in a suitable way. The choice of these parameters is however Continue reading
Is the Taylor Rule a Good Approximation of the Norwegian Monetary Policy? (Management Project)
The aim of this research is to check whether the Taylor rule in its simple linear form can be viewed as an appropriate description of the monetary policy pursued by Continue reading
IoT based Smart Vehicle Automation and Control with Enhanced Safety, Security and Traking System using Wireless Sensors Networks (Electronics Project)
In these modern era transportation is becoming as one of the important need of human. Though it has numerous need, we face lot of problem in it which cost human life. This paper deals with problem which cause accident and also to ensure Continue reading
The Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Nanoparticle-Protein Interactions for Theranostic Applications (Biomedical Project)
Theranostics, a combination of therapeutics and diagnostics, spans a spectrum of research areas to provide new opportunities in developing new healthcare technologies and medicine at affordable prices. Through employing a personalized Continue reading
Deblurring Algorithms for Out-of-focus Infrared Images (Computer Project)
An image that has been subject to the out-of-focus phenomenon has reduced sharpness, contrast and level of detail depending on the amount of defocus. To restore out-of-focused images is a complex task due to the information loss that occurs. However there exist many Continue reading
Streamlining of Hydraulic Testing (Mechanical Project)
ST Aerospace located at Arlanda airport maintain and repair aircraft components. The maintenance activities that the workshop conducts require testing of the component’s function. For a long time the repair shop has experienced problems with Continue reading