Within the field of microfinance, there has been an ongoing debate about whether microfinance institutions should be commercialized. One side argues that a business that very much can earn profits at the same time Continue reading
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Piezo-electric Power Scavenging for Mining Applications (ECE/EEE Project)
The growing need of creating a network of sensors in critical environment to monitor, sense and alert an operator about the environment gives rise to the research work carried out in the Continue reading
Toward Accurate Network Delay Measurement on Android Phones (Computer Project)
Measuring and understanding the performance of mobile networks is becoming very important for end users and operators. Despite the availability of many measurement apps, their measurement accuracy has not received sufficient scrutiny. Continue reading
Attracting The Right Employees: A Study Of Successful Employer Branding (Management Project)
Employer branding is an area of growing importance and attention. Though the concept of attracting and recruiting employees is by no means a new one, the idea of the employer brand implies a more conscious opinion of Continue reading
Tracking Devices for Elderly Care System by using GPS and RF Tags (Electronics Project)
At present, elderly people are surfing from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease across the world. The aged population has been increasing and will continue to do so in Continue reading
A Portal based System for Indoor Environs (Computer Project)
The purpose of this project is to document the development of the graphics part of an extremely pluggable game engine/lab environment for a course in advanced game programming. This project is one out of five, and concerns indoor, realtime computer 3D Continue reading
Eco-friendly Flights?: A Consumer’s Perspective (Management Project)
The environmental impacts of tourism have recently become a high-profile topic due to the increasing amount of attention devoted to issues such as climate change. The harmful effects of aviation, in particular, have led airline companies to adopt Continue reading
DEFY: A Deniable File System for Flash Memory (Electronics Project)
While solutions for file system encryption can prevent an adversary from determining the contents of files, in situations where a user wishes to hide even the existence of data, encryption alone is not enough. Indeed, encryption may draw attention to those Continue reading
A Distributed Real Time Network based Intrusion Detection System (Computer Project)
While the increased inter-connectivity of the computer networks has brought a lot of benefits to the people, it also rendered networked systems vulnerable to malicious attacks from the hackers. The failure of the intrusion prevention techniques to Continue reading
Robust Torque Control for Automated Gear Shifting in Heavy Duty Vehicles (Electrical Project)
In an automated manual transmission it is desired to have zero torque in the transmission when disengaging a gear. This minimizes the oscillations in the driveline which increases the comfort and makes the speed synchronization easier. The automated Continue reading
Mobile Augmented Reality (Computer Project)
As computers increase in power and decrease in size, new mobile, wearable, and pervasive computing applications are rapidly becoming feasible, providing people access to online resources Continue reading
The Design of Mobile Control Car Security System (Electronics Project)
The present car alarm systems are still of no match to the well-equipped thieves. It is just a matter of seconds to break through the Continue reading