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Sales and Marketing Strategy in the IT Industry – Collaborating with Independent Software Vendors (Management Project)

The IT industry is characterised by rapid changes and an increased level of consolidation and competition. Hardware and software developers are moving away from proprietary technologies to open-standards based technology. This makes it more difficult for large hardware vendors, such as Hewlett Packard (HP) and Continue reading

GPS-based Attitude Determination (Electronics Project)


Inertial sensors and magnetometers are often used for attitude determination of moving platforms. This thesis treats an alternative method; GPS-based attitude determination. By using several GPS-antennas, and with carrier phase measurements Continue reading

Design and Program Multi-Processor Platform for High-Performance Embedded Processing (Electronics Project)

Modern embedded markets call for high density computing ability, making it is difficult to use just one microprocessor to meet function requirements of high performance embedded systems. Multiple processors, including general-purpose Continue reading