The special architecture of the Cell BE processor has made scientists revisit the problem of sorting. This paper implements and tests a variant of merge sort where a number of Continue reading
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Ignition, Combustion and Tuning of Nanocomposite Thermites (Mechanical Project)
Nanocomposite thermites, or Metastable Intermolecular Composites (MICs), are energetic systems involving the reaction between nanoparticles of a metal fuel and another metal or metal oxide. When nanoparticles are used, the Continue reading
Low-cost Rural Surface Alternatives: Tech Transfer Summary (Civil Project)
This project presents a literature survey of the state of practice for granular surface road construction with respect to freeze/thaw damage and provides Continue reading
Sales and Marketing Strategy in the IT Industry – Collaborating with Independent Software Vendors (Management Project)
The IT industry is characterised by rapid changes and an increased level of consolidation and competition. Hardware and software developers are moving away from proprietary technologies to open-standards based technology. This makes it more difficult for large hardware vendors, such as Hewlett Packard (HP) and Continue reading
GPS-based Attitude Determination (Electronics Project)
Inertial sensors and magnetometers are often used for attitude determination of moving platforms. This thesis treats an alternative method; GPS-based attitude determination. By using several GPS-antennas, and with carrier phase measurements Continue reading
Analysis and Simulation of Threats in an Open, Decentralized, Distributed Spam Filtering System (Computer Project)
The existence of spam email has gone from a fairly small amounts of a few hundred in the late 1970’s to several billions per day in 2010. This continually growing problem is of Continue reading
The Human Factors Design of a Wearable Balance Belt (Mechanical Project)
Being able to keep your balance is something most of us take for granted. People with inner ear problems due to an accident or surgery or other dizziness have to live with this problem on a chronic basis. A balance prosthesis, worn around the torso, giving feedback about their Continue reading
Static Pile-soil-pile Interaction in Offshore Pile Groups (Civil Project)
This thesis is a theoretical study, using both finite element and boundary element methods, of the behaviour of single-piles and pile groups under vertical and lateral loading. It offers an improved understanding of the Continue reading
How Auditing Company X Works with Retaining Valuable Employees: Swedish Case study (Management Project)
Today, neither employees nor employers seem to take for granted that a person will stay with the same firm until retirement. Yet, keeping employees for longer periods is an Continue reading
Design and Program Multi-Processor Platform for High-Performance Embedded Processing (Electronics Project)
Modern embedded markets call for high density computing ability, making it is difficult to use just one microprocessor to meet function requirements of high performance embedded systems. Multiple processors, including general-purpose Continue reading
Lightweight M2M Solution on Android Platform (Computer Project)
Machine-to-machine communication (M2M) is a generic term for technologies dealing with autonomous communication between machines. Continue reading
Experimental study of Complex Pipe Flow (Mechanical Project)
Turbulent pipe flows are prevalent in industrial applications. Despite a large body of experimental and more recently numerical investigations there are still unresolved fundamental issues. Among those are the scaling of the Continue reading