The study begins with a discussion of the concept of sustainability, green buildings and the traditional valuation approach. Then valuable information are extracted from the reports of IMMOVALUE project, which is aiming to improve the market impact of Continue reading
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The relationship between leader core self-evaluations, team feedback, leader efficacy, transformational leadership, team efficacy, team goals, team action and transition processes, and team performance (Management Project)
This research attempts to explain how internal team leaders can help teams perform in high stress, dynamic environments. Specifically, the aim of the research was to Continue reading
Soft-Switching DC-DC Converters (Electrical Project)
Power electronics converters are implemented with switching devices that turn on and off while power is being converted from one form to another. They operate with high switching frequencies to reduce the size of the Continue reading
Improving Data Delivery in Wide Area and Mobile Environments (Computer Project)
The popularity of the Internet has dramatically increased the diversity of clients and applications that access data across wide area networks and mobile environments. Data delivery in these environments presents Continue reading
Study of Oil-fired Electricity Production on Cuba; Means of Reducing Emissions of So2 by Increasing Plant Efficiency (Mechanical Project)
Cuba is a country that is highly dependent on fossil fuel for the domestic electricity supply. Oil-fired power plants account for a major share of the power generation. A mutual issue with these Continue reading
Tethys: A Software Framework for Web-Based Modeling and Decision Support Applications (Civil Project)
We have developed a software framework called Tethys to aid in the creation of web-based water resource modeling applications. This suite is a Python-based scripting environment that leverages open source tools for Continue reading
Consumer Behavior in Buying Ball Pens (Management Project)
The topic for the study is on “Consumer Buying Behaviour about pens”. Pen is a product, which is used by each and every person. There are various brand’s of pen in the market of different types. price, colour, design, grip etc. So the Continue reading
Computing a Network of ASRs using a Mobile Robot Equipped with Sonar Sensors (IEEE Robotics Project)
This paper presents a novel algorithm for computing absolute space representations (ASRs) for mobile robots equipped with sonar sensors and an odometer. The robot is allowed to wander freely Continue reading
Classifieds Site Starter Kit (Computer Project)
The Classifieds Site Starter Kit provides a complete, ready to run, fully customizable, Web site for listing and managing classified advertisements. Continue reading
Solar Water Pumping for Irrigation: Case Study of the Kilimanjaro Region (Mechanical/Electrical Project)
This study has been conducted as a Minor Field Study (MFS). It focuses on solar water pumping for small-scale farmers in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. The purpose is to investigate the possibilities for Continue reading
A Comparison of Qualifications based-Selection and Best Value Procurement for Construction Manager/General Contractor Highway Construction (Civil Project)
Faster project delivery and the infusion of contractor knowledge into design are the primary drivers for choosing construction manager/general contractor (CM/GC) project delivery. This paper focuses on the use of qualifications-based (QBS) and Continue reading
Essays on New Product Development (Management Project)
This project report comprises three essays that theoretically and empirically investigate three managerial relevant issues in Continue reading