The study is a preliminary mission analysis and design of a small satellite swarm. The concept of the mission is to probe altitudes between 200 km and 6000 km to study the Continue reading
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Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Craft Labor Availability on Construction Project Performance (Civil Project)
A shortage of skilled craft labor in the North American construction industry has been an unfortunate cyclic trend since the late 1980s. This shortage has been reported and discussed frequently by numerous past studies in the context of Continue reading
Strategic Management of Higher Education Enterprises (Management Project)
Educational institutions are becoming increasingly important for regional and national economies. Recent developments in Continue reading
Radio Interface Evolution Towards 5G and Enhanced Local Area (Electronics Project)
The exponential growth of mobile data in macronetworks has driven the evolution of communications systems toward spectrally efficient, energy efficient, and fast local area communications. It is a well-known fact that Continue reading
Robustness of Attack-Resilient State Estimators (Computer Project)
The interaction between information technology and physical world makes Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) vulnerable to malicious attacks beyond the standard cyber attacks. This has motivated the need for attack-resilient Continue reading
Pressureless Sintering Of Powder Processed Functionally Graded Metal-Ceramic Plates (Mechanical Project)
The need exists to fabricate graded metal-ceramic composite armor specimens consisting of nickel and alumina through Continue reading
Public Private Partnerships: as a Public Infrastructure Optimizer (Civil Project)
A public private partnership is an alternative to procurement of the facility by the public sector, using funding from Continue reading
Strategic Determinants in the Software Industry (Management Project)
It is generally recognized that firms face both internal and external environmental forces. However, few studies have attempted to describe the Continue reading
Corporate Strategies for Currency Risk Management (Management Project)
Currency fluctuations are a global phenomenon, and can affect multinational companies directly through their Continue reading
Lane Departure Avoidance System (Electronics Project)
Traffic accidents cause millions of injuries and tens of thousands of fatalities per year worldwide. This project briefly reviews different types of active safety systems designed to reduce the number of accidents. Focusing on lane departure, a leading cause of Continue reading
Introducing an e-Health Card for Developing Countries (Computer Project)
Health care system is one of the important sectors in any country for its national interest. Bangladesh is one of the over populated countries in the world. Health care sector in this country is undeveloped and communication technology has not been introduced significantly to Continue reading
Analyzing an Equivalent Single Layer Shim Model to be used for Brake Squeal Reduction (Mechanical Project)
The goal in this study was to reduce a multilayer shim model, which was modeled from steel and polymer (isotropic materials), into an equivalent single layer shim model. The procedure was to use Continue reading