An analytic examination of 3D holography under a 90° recording geometry was carried out earlier in which 2D spatial Laplace transforms were introduced in order to develop transfer functions for the scattered outputs under readout. Thereby, the resulting Continue reading
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Implementation and Evaluation of Content-aware Video Retargeting Techniques (Computer/Electrical Project)
The purpose of this master thesis was to study different content-aware video retargeting techniques, concentrating on a generalization of seam carving for video. Focus have also Continue reading
Cutting out the Middleman (Management Project)
The Swedish sawmill industry is changing, and sawmills are increasingly pursuing disintermediation opportunities internationally. However, little is known, theoretically nor practically, regarding what is influencing sawmills in their Continue reading
Physical Hybrid Model: Measurement – Experiment – Simulation (Electronics Project)
A method has been developed, Physical Hybrid Model, to investigate the physical large scale electrical effects of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) on a distribution grid by scaling the response from a Continue reading
Android Application for Face Recognition (Computer Project)
This report presents all the processes I use to program an android application of face recognition. At the beginning, I used the android API, after a long study of the android litterature, to make this application. Because of devices problem, I had to Continue reading
A Neural Network Based Brain-Computer Interface for Classification of Movement Related EEG (Mechanical Project)
A brain-computer interface, BCI, is a technical system that allows a person to control the external world without relying on muscle activity. This project presents an EEG based BCI designed for Continue reading
The relationship between Credit Ratings and Beta: A quantitative study on the Nordic market (Management Project)
This study aims to investigate the relationship between systematic risk and credit ratings. The systematic risk, frequently measured by beta, is an important consideration for both investors and corporations. Therefore it is interesting to examine if indications about the systematic risk could be gained by looking at credit ratings, especially on the Continue reading
Forecasting the Congestion Costs of the French Transmission Network (Electronics Project)
In the chain of electrical energy, the proper operation of transmission networks is essential for guaranteeing the reliability of energy supply to consumers. However, for economical and physical reasons, Continue reading
Visual Map-based Localization Applied to Autonomous Vehicles (Computer/Electronics Project)
This project work is carried out in the context of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, and especially autonomous vehicles. The project aims to propose a method to Continue reading
Market Analysis for Gas Engine Technology in Algeria (Mechanical Project)
The objective of this study is to investigate the potential of combined heat and power plants based on gas engine technology in Algeria. This market analysis has been performed in order to identify the Continue reading
The Value of Information Sharing in a 3PL-relationship (Management Project)
Since the business environment of today is characterized to be dynamic and service-driven, corporations are looking for solutions how to cut costs and still keep their competitive advantage in the market, and also how to decrease lead-time and flexibility. In this environment are Continue reading
The Construction of a Pan-tilt Unit With Two Digital Cameras and a PC Interface (Electrical/Computer Project)
This project describes the construction and assembly of a prototype for one Pan-Tilt unit equipped with two digital cameras. The purpose of the unit is to Continue reading