There are two symmetrical resolution rules applicable to logic programs – SL-resolution which yields a top-down refutation and unit-resolution which yields a bottom-up refutation. Both resolution principles need to be coupled with a Continue reading
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Computer Projects
“Halfpipe Active Channel”- Developing a Secure Communications Protocol (Computer Project)
With the advent of powerful multimedia capable mobile phones, the market for mobile services is flourishing. Zenterio AB’s Halfpipe Active Desktop is a complete distributed mobile service platform a with a Continue reading
GPU accelerated Nonlinear Soft Tissue Deformation (Computer Project)
There are two types of structures in human body, solid organs and hollow membrane like organs. Brain, liver and other soft tissues such as tendons, muscles, cartilage etc., are examples of solid organs. Colon and blood vessels are examples of hollow organs. They greatly differ in structure and Continue reading
Visualization of Functional Dependencies in a Web Environment (Computer Project)
As the core of a previous project, a Web-based tool, called LDBN(Learn DataBase Normalization), was developed. The purpose of this tool is to provide an interactive learning environment for the normalization of relational database schemata whose constraints are defined by Continue reading
Machine Assisted Reasoning for Multi-Threaded Java Bytecode (Computer Project)
In this project an operational semantics for a subset of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is developed and presented. The subset contains standard operations such as control flow, computation, and memory management. In addition, the subset contains a Continue reading
Reservation Management System in PHP (Computer Project)
This is a web-based resource scheduling system that allows administered management of reservations on any number of resources. Typical applications are conference room or Continue reading
Security issues with Mobile IP (Computer Project)
With a rapid growth in wireless technology in recent years, Mobile IP has become very important for consumers and businesses by providing Continue reading
Human Resource Management System in JSP (Computer Project)
A Framework for Realistic 3D Tele-Immersion (Computer/Electronics Project)
Meeting, socializing and conversing online with a group of people using teleconferencing systems is still quite dfferent from the experience of meeting face to face. We are abruptly aware that Continue reading
Database Management System for Bangladesh Medical College and Hospital (Computer Project)
Being a leading medical college & hospital of the country, still Bangladesh Medical College Hospital has never used a Database Management System for managing their data and Continue reading
Mind the Gap: Extending the Body into 3D Environments Using 2D Tools for Interaction (Computer Project)
This study is a literature study on how existing research on embodied tool use may support the use of the use of the computer mouse within three dimensional environments, followed by an analysis of a typical scenario in the use of Continue reading
Designing a Tablet Application for an Emergency Department: The implications of context on concept development and interface design (Computer Project)
Mobile devices are becoming more common in health care and studies show that they can contribute with a lot of benefits. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate what important factors should be considered when designing an application for a Continue reading