The recent development for multimedia applications on mobile terminals raised the need for flexible and scalable computing platforms that are capable of providing Continue reading
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Computer Projects
Network Monitoring (Computer Project)
Managing a network is a very big functional area along with performance, device maintenance, security, performance, monitoring, troubleshooting, plan of change and etc. Among all of these Continue reading
Implementation of SCOSTA-CL based Smart Card Operating System (SCSOS) (Computer Project)
Smart cards are used extensively for data security and authentication purposes in various id card based applications. The data security in smart card is provided by access control based on Continue reading
A method for Identification of Putatively Co-regulated Genes (Computer/Biomedical Project)
The genomes of several organisms have been sequenced and the need for methods to analyse the data is growing. In this project a method is described that tries to identify co-regulated genes. The method identifies Continue reading
Automatic Subtitle Generation for Sound in Videos (Computer Project)
The last ten years have been the witnesses of the emergence of any kind of video content. Moreover, the appearance of dedicated websites for this phenomenon has increased the importance Continue reading
Honeypots Revealed (Computer Project)
IT Security instantly becomes an issue for anyone who connects their system to the Internet, either via a corporate network, an Internet Service Provider (ISP) from home or Continue reading
Plaque Identification using Automated Image Enhancement (Computer/Biomedical Project)
Image enhancement is a task of applying certain transformations to an original image for obtaining output image visually more pleasant, more detailed, or less noisy. The transformation usually requires Continue reading
eCOPS – Electronics Police Record Management System (Computer Project)
This feature is made available to public for interaction with police indirectly. This system registers the complaints from people through online and is helpful to the police department Continue reading
Bidirectional External Function Interface Between Modelica/MetaModelica and Java (Computer Project)
A complete Java interface to OpenModelica has been created, supporting both standard Modelica and the metamodeling extensions in MetaModelica. It is bidirectional, and capable of passing both Continue reading
Efficient implementation of the Particle Level Set method (Computer Project)
The Particle Level set method is a successful extension to Level set methods to improve the volume preservation in fluid simulations. This study will analyze how sparse volume data structures can be used to Continue reading
Open Source SIP Application Servers For IMS Applications (Computer Project)
In an IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) network there are Application Servers (ASs) which host and execute services. These are often SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) servers. The goal for this thesis was to evaluate a selection of open source SIP ASs to see which one Continue reading
Implementation of Bluetooth Baseband Behavioral Model in C Language (Computer Project)
The purpose of the project is to set up a baseband behavioral model for a Bluetooth system based on standards. A brief introduction of Bluetooth specifications is given in the report and the background knowledge for implementation of this model on a Continue reading