Mobile robots extend the reach of exploration in environments unsuitable, or unreachable, by humans. Far-reaching environments, such as the south lunar pole, exhibit lighting conditions that are challenging for optical imagery required for Continue reading
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Computer Projects
Android Environment Security (Computer Project)
In modern times mobile devices are a increasing technology and malicious users are increasing as well. On a mobile device it often exist valuable private information that a malicious user is interested in and it often has lower Continue reading
Study of security aspects for Session Initiation Protocol (Computer Project)
The objective with this study is to describe security mechanisms that are integrated or are proposed to be integrated with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). SIP is used for establishing, modifying, and terminating multimedia sessions over the Continue reading
Rich Internet Applications for the Enterprise: A comparative study of WebWork and Java Web Start (Computer Project)
Web applications initially became popular much thanks to low deployment costs and programming simplicity. However, as business requirements grow more complex, limitations in the Continue reading
Content Visualization of GeoAudio Notes (Computer Project)
The total population of GPS-enabled location-based services (LBS) subscribers is constantly increasing. This fact implies new research possibilities for visualizing Continue reading
A Framework for Mobile Paper-based Computing (Computer Project)
Military work-practice is a difficult area of research where paper-based approaches are still extended. This study proposes a solution which permits the digitization of information at the same time Continue reading
Coordination in Emergency Management (Computer Project)
Emergency management (EM) can benefit from new information and communication technology (ICT). However, the complexity of the field poses high demands upon prospective system developers. The design of Continue reading
Cloud-based Secure Logger for Medical Devices (Computer Project)
A logger in the cloud capable of keeping a secure, time-synchronized and tamper-evident log of medical device and patient information allows efficient forensic analysis in cases of adverse events or attacks on interoperable Continue reading
Business Process Performance Measurement for Rollout Success (Computer Project)
Business process improvement for increased product quality is of continuous importance in the software industry. Quality managers in this sector need effective, hands-on tools for decision-making in Continue reading
Enhanced Scalable Asynchronous Cache Consistency Scheme for Mobile Environments (Computer Project)
An important technique to reduce the contention on the limited bandwidth of wireless channels between mobile units and base stations is caching frequently accessed Continue reading
Class Time Table Generation in C++ (Computer Project)
When you make a class time table, you must take into consideration many requirements (number of professors, students, classes and classrooms, size of classroom, Continue reading
A Multimedia DSP Processor Design (Computer Project)
This Master Thesis presents the design of the core of a fixed point general purpose multimedia DSP processor (MDSP) and its instruction set. This processor employs parallel processing techniques and Continue reading