With increasing clock-rates in CPUs coming to an end, a need for parallelization has emerged. This study proposes a dynamic purity analysis of objects, detecting independent execution paths that may be run in parallel. The analysis relies in speculative guesses and may be Continue reading
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Computer Projects
Designating Legacy Status to It Systems: a Framework in Relation to a Future-oriented Perspective on Legacy Systems (Management Project)
Organizations that have come to depend on legacy systems face quite a paradoxical problem. Maintaining the system might prove ineffective in accommodating necessary changes, but a system migration project is Continue reading
Bookshop Automation (Computer Project)
The Bookshop Automation System is to automate all operations in a bookshop. Generally it includes the Order Processing, Stock Management and Continue reading
Load Management for a Telecom Charging System (Computer/Electronics Project)
There are a huge number of customers using Ericsson’s prepaid telecom charging system. This means that even the smallest optimization done in its management of load results in a big win when Continue reading
Road Traffic Noise and Calculation – A study of region Skåne, Sweden (Civil/Computer Project)
Since the first car appeared, the pollution on the roads became an issue, which is still mainly unsolved. Too many people complain about traffic noise. Various methods have been developed that aimed at Continue reading
Multi-label Classification Methods for Green Computing and Application for Mobile Medical Recommendations (IEEE Computer Project)
With the explosive development of communication technologies, more customer friendly services have been designed for the next generation of cellular technology, that is Continue reading
Boundary-scan in the ACTA Standard (Computer Project)
Larger systems today, like telephone and optical switches, are usually based on a multi-board architecture where a set of printed-circuit boards are Continue reading
Peer-to-Peer Grid Computing and a .NET-based Alchemi Framework (Computer Project)
The idea of metacomputing is very promising as it enables the use of a network of many independent computers as if they were one large Continue reading
Adaptive Threshold-Based Approach for Energy-Efficient Consolidation of Virtual Machines in Cloud Data Centers (Computer Project)
The rapid growth in demand for computational power driven by modern service applications combined with the shift to the Cloud computing model have led to Continue reading
An extension to the Android Access Control Framework (Computer Project)
Several nice hardware functionalities located at the low level of operating system on mobile phones could be utilized in a better way if they are Continue reading
The Aneka Platform and Qos-driven Resource Provisioning for Elastic Applications on Hybrid Clouds (Computer Projects)
Cloud computing alters the way traditional software systems are built and run by introducing a utility based model for delivering IT infrastructure, platforms, applications, and services. The consolidation of this new paradigm in both Continue reading
Android Map Application (Computer Project)
Nowadays people use maps everyday in many situations. Maps are available and free. What was expensive and required the user to get a paper copy in a shop is now available on any Smartphone. Not only maps but location-related information visible on the maps is an Continue reading