There exist two different approaches to self-organizing maps (SOMs). One approach, rooted in theoretical neuroscience, uses SOMs as computational models of biological cortex. The other approach, taken in Continue reading
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Computer Projects
Visually impaired and websites: how to improve websites to make it accessible for visually impaired (Computer Project)
The modern IT society is based on Internet access, and many corporations, organizations and persons take advantage of the increased accessibility and flexibility that the Internet provides for products, services and information. This can also cause problems for the Continue reading
Simple Car Sales System in JAVA (Computer Project)
This is a simple project on Car Sales programmed in Continue reading
Privacy-Invasive Software (Computer Project)
As computers are increasingly more integrated into our daily lives we become more dependent on software. This situation is exploited by villainous actors on the Internet that distribute malicious software in search for fast financial gains on the expense of deceived computer users. As a result, Continue reading
Ontology-Based Model For The “Ward-round” Process in Healthcare (Computer Project)
In the current arena, rapid changes are required to address dynamic patient’s treatment process needs according to the patient’s demand in the healthcare sector. This research work addresses existing problems about information flow in ward-round, what is the optimal information need for an Continue reading
Local Level Set Segmentation with Topological Structures (Computer Project)
Locating and segmenting objects such as bones or internal organs is a common problem in medical imaging. Existing segmentation methods are often cumbersome to use for Continue reading
Robot-Assisted Hospital Bed Transport (Computer Project)
The controlling of mobile robots has been and still is in the focus of researchers. Fuzzy rule-based controllers are extensively used to control robots. Path planners were created using different search methods finding the shortest trajectory between Continue reading
Site Survey for WLAN Upgradation at Halmstad University (Computer Project)
The university intends to upgrade the wireless network from IEEE 802.11 g to IEEE 802.11 n standard. The main task of study is to investigate the required number of access point for the update to Continue reading
Speech Interface for a Mobile Audio Application (Electronics/Computer Project)
Today almost everyone owns a mobile phone, adults along with teenagers and kids. Even laptops and other wearable devices such as personal digital assistants (PDA’s) are become more common. We want constant connectivity to Continue reading
Wap Usage In Sweden: Could i-mode be an option? (Computer Project)
Since the beginning of the 21st century mobile phone usage has had a big growth. Together with developed techniques from the Internet conditions for a new market Continue reading
Data Streaming in Hadoop: A Study of Real Time Data Pipeline Integration Between Hadoop Environments and External Systems (Computer Project)
The field of distributed computing is growing and quickly becoming a natural part of large as well as Continue reading
Use of Information-Centric Networks in Revision Control Systems (Computer Project)
NetInf and CCN are two Information-Centric Network approaches which are constructed to solve limitations of today’s Internet that was developed in the 60’s. Today’s Internet requires that datum is referred by its location. This is not something the end-user is Continue reading